Chapter 152: Grim Reapers enemy!

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The hospital director, Zayn and Alex were standing right there in front of the operation theatre.
Alex was very worried as he goes here and there. Hearing her screams he felt bad.
Robin quickly went towards him as she stayed by his side. Everyone was relieved when they came. First of all, they had someone to look after things but more importantly, Nicole was there. She was a world-renowned doctor. A specialist in Chemistry, Biology and psychics. The world started her calling by different names like 'Doctor Marvel, Grim Reapers enemy, and Master of Medical Industry, etc.'

Then Nicole went towards Zayn. They looked at each other in the eyes. It was as if they could understand each other just by looking into their eyes.
Zayn wanted to tell her to take care of Lisa but then he knew that he didn't need to speak it out loud. Nicole already knew it. She blinked her eyes once as if to reassure him. Zayn felt warm.
Then Nicole turned around and told Alex with a serious face.

" Bhai Alex, no need to worry. I am going inside and will take care of everything. Please wait patiently for the good news!"
Then Nicole turned to the hospital director and said.
" Show me the way."
Then Nicole sterilised herself before wearing the scrub and all. She put her hair up in a bun. Then she wore the mask and gloves.
With her hands up, Nicole went inside.
At first, the doctors inside didn't recognise her because of her scrub and mask.
Then Nicole spoke in a neutral tone.
" I am Nicole Anthony. I will be taking over this operation."
Hearing her name, everyone there was astonished because they didn't know she would be there.
However, they were really glad that they would get to see this rare genius at work. The head surgeon who was handling the operation quickly stepped aside respectfully and personally assisted her. Nicole was a very professional and a great doctor. She didn't know anything before but now she was a perfect doctor. She has also taken the Hippocratic Oath. Treating the sick to the best of her ability, preserving patients privacy, teaching the secrets of her medicine to the next generation, etc. was now a part of Nicole. This oath was sacred meant only for the doctors. Only the doctor who saves lives, again and again, has the right to take this oath and they were the only one who was capable of abiding by this oath.

When Nicole operated on her mother, she wasn't a doctor. She was just a daughter who did everything she could to save her mother. At that time, she was cold to others. She wouldn't give her everything to save a stranger. She wouldn't work so tirelessly and stay in the OT for hours. However, after training under a senior doctor who knew ethics better than anyone else, she finally becomes an actual doctor.

She had the degree of Doctor but she never gave the exam for it. She was personally tested practically by the Military doctors who were above the reach of normal people. When she got her certificate, she didn't take the oath. All she did was help her comrades in the military and save their lives. She would have never thought about becoming a doctor if not for the emergency. She wasn't ever drawn to it. However, she was like some athletes who didn't know their talent and was scouted by someone else. Like M. S. Dhoni from India. He was such a great player that he even got the world cup in 2011. However, in school, he loved football and played the position of goalkeeper. In the end, it was his sports teacher who forcefully got him to learn cricket. Once he got the taste of it, he becomes one of the best players in Cricket.

The feeling Nicole got after saving her mother was not something like proudness. Rather, she was thankful to God for gifting her such talent. She believed that God gives her this talent not to be proud of it but to be a humble doctor who abides by morals. Since then, Nicole has worked hard with sincerity. It took her no time to become a greater doctor. The feeling of saving someone was so warm. Many times she worked overtime. Many times she does both day duty and night duty. She did everything she could for her patients. 

This time, it was a normal delivery so the situation was alright but Lisa was in pain.
After 4-5 hours, the red light went off and the doors opened. Nicole walked out and removed her mask. Then she smiled brightly.
" Congratulations! Bhai, you have a daughter. Both mother and daughter are fine. The nurse took her to clean up. As for Sister Lisa, she already saw her and then fell asleep. She would probably wake up after evening. We are transferring her to the ward."

Nicole was a little tired but not much as she got used to it. Alex went with Lisa in the elevator as they shifted her. After Lisa was shifted into the best ward in the hospital, everyone went there. It was quite large and spacious. Alex sat beside Lisa while others sat at the side. Robin has already called Lisa's parents and Violet. They said they would be here soon.

Lee went out to pick up their children. They were already awake and excited to see their little sister. Nicole went to check up on other things. Only Robin, Zayn and Alex were there with Lisa.
After 20 minutes, the nurse came in. She gave the child to Alex.

Before he knew it, Alex was holding his daughter. Zayn and Robin also quickly come towards him. When he finally looked down at her clearly, he felt his heartbeats stop. It was the same for Robin and Zayn. Robin staggered backwards a little in shock. Zayn looked blanked out. As for Alex, he froze as tears instantly spilt out of his eyes. They were all like struck with lightning.
The baby's eyes were wide open. She had some hairs which were standing straight. She was looking at Alex and her gaze was as clear as the day.

Unlike other newborns, she wasn't wailing. All she did was move around a little and make some small sweet voices of sniffles. When she suddenly smiled sweetly seeing Alex, Alex finally got his senses back. He couldn't stop his tears at all as he stared at her. And finally, he said a word. A single word that stirred their hearts. He said...

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