Chapter 97: Unworthy Of Being a King!

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Alex and Lisa went home. After all, they couldn't do anything by staying there.  It was already midnight. They also had to take care of other things while Zayn and Nicolo were busy with this.

They took a bath before going to bed. As they lay in each other's arms, Lisa told him. 

'' Alex, do you know about the actress Marry?''

Alex thought for a movement before he replied.

'' Are you talking about the one who is having a scandal right now?''

'' Yeah.''

'' Yeah. I know her. She is working in our company's agency, right?''

'' Yes.''

'' What about her?''

'' As I was working on her scandal, I got to meet her and we have formed a good relationship.''

'' That's good.''

'' One day, I went to the set with her. There were many famous actors there and many more things. However, there was something that I couldn't stop thinking about. When I saw the actors acting, I can see the tiniest mistakes they made. When I notice their mistakes, I have an impatient feeling in my heart like I wanted it to be perfect and they were wrecking that perfection I thought about.''

Alex was silent as he listened to her talk. Then Lisa continued.

'' At one movement, I was too obvious with my dissatisfaction so one of the actors got angry and told me to do it myself since I was so dissatisfied with it. I thought for a movement. I have never acted this way before so I wasn't that prepared but I was confident that I am better than them. So I tried it. At that time, Marry told me that I have every qualification of an actor to encourage me but we both knew that above any other qualities of an actor, the most important one is acting skills.''

'' Then what happened?'' Alex asked interestingly. When on a mission, Lisa was obviously very good at hiding herself. You cannot even suspect her but when it comes to acting like this, Alex didn't know much. Still, he was curious about it.

'' Then I started acting and it was just... That scene I was acting wasn't expressing any particular feeling. That scene required me to feel completely empty. I had to feel nothing at all. When I acted it out, I actually forgot everything. I forgot my past, my present, myself, I even forgot you for the movement. However, after that scene was over, I couldn't get out of it easily because it was the first time for me.''

''Suddenly, I heard everybody clap and Marry shakes me with excitement. That's when I come back to my senses. It was a really amazing feeling. I liked it.'' Actually, at that time, Lisa saw Arlo and then had that horrible nightmare so she wasn't in the right state of her mind. That was also the reason her thoughts were uncontrollable and the other actors were able to see her dissatisfaction.

 As they were A-listers in the industry, they were angry that she was belittling them though it wasn't intentional. Lisa had always been capable of hiding her thought. That was her speciality. Her thoughts could never be shown on her face but at that time, she was hit hard by that nightmare. It was the second time she almost lost control of herself since Alex's incident.

Before Lisa could say anything else, Alex already understood her and said.

'' So you've found your passion!'' 

He was happy and excited for her. Though Lisa was a very talented and capable person, she never had a passion for the jobs she had done. She becomes an assassin for Alex because she wanted to follow him. She becomes the PR director because she had to leave the underworld. She never did any of these works because she had a passion for them. 

It was the same for Alex. He was interested in martial arts but that was just because he wanted to be able to protect his beloved people. For Alex, there was nothing in this world that he had a passion for except one thing. He may be interested in lots of things but there was only one thing he was actually interested in and that was... His beloved people. Being the firstborn of a king, being the crown prince, being the king by bloodline, being the Royal blood, Alex was never meant to do anything else except leading and guiding his kingdom, and his country to the right path. 

If the people knew that the king of Alencica was still alive, they would never let their country be ruled by the government because Alencica was always a country ruled by the king. Their Kings were so great that Alencica would prefer a king rather than a president. It's just that, since Robin died, Alex took an oath to never be the king because he didn't want to rule a kingdom without his sister in this world. He felt unworthy of being a king when he could not even protect his only sister.

Zayn was the only one who worked with passion. When that fire incident happened, Zayn was devasted. He invested all his mind into work so that he wouldn't think about it too much. He wouldn't be able to do that if he didn't have that passion for his work. Yet, even after doing what he had his passion for, Zayn was never able to be happy cause this passion wasn't as great as his love for his beloved people.

However, the feeling of working with your passion can only be understood by the people who do that. You should ask an Actor how it felt to be an actor. Nobody entered the entertainment industry for fun, they entered it because they had a passion for it. 

The same goes for singers. Maybe you can ask Calum Scott, Shakira, Adam, Coldplay, Ed Sheeran, Tylor Swift, Justin Bieber, Cristina Grimmie[RIP], and etc. about how they felt about the singing. You will only hear the words of passion from their mouths because they clearly have as much passion as their talent for that. That's what we call a Passion.

[ Authors Note: As a fan of Cristina Grimmie, I would like to tell all those people who have not been aware of her that she was such a great singer. One of the most passionate singers I have ever seen and yet her death was soo unfair. Adam really described it well. Her death is soo unfair. Really... Please Rest In Peace, Cristina Grimmie... Hope you will all find your passion too. Good Luck!]

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