Chapter 47: Blessing Me With My Little Sister!

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Alex smiled cutely and said," Mommy, they taught me simple plus and minus questions and some words of English. They also taught us a poem and they said to make something for our mommy so I also made something."

" Really! What is it?!" She asked with anticipation as they entered the car. Their father carried Robin inside and then ordered the chauffeur to start driving.

Alex pulls out his tiny bag from his shoulders and took out a beautiful red card and gave it to his mother. Krystal exclaimed at the beautiful card and said," This is for mommy?! My Baby made it?!"

" Yeah~" Alex replied rather shyly as he averted his gaze and pretended to be nonchalant. Krystal quickly took the card from his hands and felt her heart melt in an instant at the words written on the front page. ' I Love You, Mommy' 

Oh gosh! How can my baby be so adorable! 

At the side, his father was glaring at the card with an extremely envious stare. He was already imagining how wonderful it would feel if it was written,' I Love You, Daddy!' instead. When Krystal saw him glaring at the card jealously, she felt proud as she showed off smugly. 

' See how adorable my little baby is! He is my son!'

As she opened the card further, on the left page there was a simple yet sweet drawing of a family of four while on the left side it was written...

" I Love You, Mommy! I find classes boring but when I remembered the smile mommy gave me in the morning with my bento, I think I can attend these classes all my life with just that smile of yours!    Your Darling... Alex."

  Alex may be very young but he was more intelligent than any other kids of his age.

On the last page, there was a heart drawn and in that heart, he wrote his most grateful feelings.

' Thank You Mommy For Blessing Me With My Little Sister! Love You!' 

Krystal's eyes become teary as she sniffled. She said to her husband while blushing. " He is so small but he is already so romantic! What will happen when he grows up?"

" He is my son after all!'' Their father smiled.

At this movement, Robin who forgets everything was a dream has suddenly come back to her senses when she heard her mother saying 'What will happen when he grows up!'

What-What will happen when he g-grows up... 

She remembered the fire and the voice of shooting guns and her lost Brother who is likely to be dead. She remembered their fate.

Her voice trembled as she called out," M-Mommy!" But no matter what she did, it seems like her voice couldn't reach them. It was like she was recalling her memories as she saw them in the car.

When she couldn't reach them no matter what, she cried helplessly in her spot as she saw them.

Then she suddenly heard her Brother calling out to her as she froze and looked up only to see her brother calling her past self. In the car, as their parents were talking about something, Alex suddenly noticed his sister's wounded knees and his eyes widened as his expression become one of extreme worry," Robin!"

When his parents and sister heard his shout, they looked at him confused. Alex felt horrible as he asked in his childish voice," Robin! What happened to your knees?! Mommy Daddy, What happened to my sister?!" He asked anxiously.

Little Robin looked blankly at her brother for some time then she remembered that she got hurt. And when she thought about it, her eyes become teary once again as she said piteously," Bhai, I-I fell down~" She said as she sniffed.

Their parents looked at them but didn't interfere as they knew Alex could make her laugh better than they can. They knew how much Alex loved his little sister. You can just tell from the words he wrote on the card.

Alex quickly patted her head as he said," There, There! Don't cry! When your brother is there, there is no need to fear. What's wrong?! Is it still hurting?!" 

Though he was anxious, he pretended to be calm so that his sister wouldn't cry anymore. Then little Robin said," Hmm... It's hurting~" It didn't hurt when he didn't ask about it but now that he asked, she felt her knee pain.

" I will blow on it and make it go away, Okay?!" Then he bent down slightly and blew on her wound for some time before he asked her," Does it feel better now?!"

" Hmm. But it still hurts a little over there." She pointed at the side of her wound and said in her sweet childish voice.

Alex blew in it for some time more and when she said it doesn't hurt anymore, he stopped. When he saw her droopy eyes, he asked her," Are you sleepy?"

" Hmm... "

" Come here. Lie on my lap and took a nap." After he said that, Little Robin lay on his lap and fell asleep instantly. 

Their parents gazed at each other as they smiled. They felt blessed with everything. Then Alex suddenly said," Mommy, can you please pass me the blanket!"

" Yes... " Kyrstal quietly took out the blanket and gave it to her son. Alex took it and caringly covered Robin with the blanket while caressing her head. 

Looking at this scene, Robin cried heart-wrenchingly as she mumbled,'' Bhai! Bhai! What am I supposed to do?! Where are you and Zayn?! I missed you and I miss Mommy and Daddy. Please call me wherever you are! I want to be with you! Please~" In the end her voice becomes so small and only the sound of her heartwrenching sobs was heard.

 After a long time, the car finally arrived at a posh ice cream shop. They sat at a table near the window. Robin was first to say," Daddy, I want Chocolate Brownie!" He smiled and said.

" Okay! What about you, Alex?"

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