Chapter 24: Ocean Of Sorrows.

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Lisa quickly got into the car and left. She didn't turn around once to look at him. Alex kept staring at the car until it left his sight. After a long time, he turned around and left. Of course, he also wanted to live happily but he couldn't. Not until he avenged his Little sister.

 These few days Alex and Zayn were practically very down. They would be silent and suddenly lose their temper or disappear.

One day, Zayn worked at the office till midnight like crazy. His speed was unstoppable and he worked without taking a break for a second. Then he suddenly stopped as his bloodshot eyes stared at the time.

Zayn left his documents as it is and went down to his car. His expression was extremely cold that one would shudder and subconsciously kept their distance but behind those cold eyes lay an ocean of sorrows. Zayn went into the car and sped up. Till 3:00, he roamed around the city. He stopped when the car was out of fuel.

He didn't know where he was or what he was doing. When he stepped out of the car, he couldn't even understand where he was. He just kept walking and walking. His legs were numb but he didn't understand that. His mind was blank. He felt empty as if his soul was gone. It was almost morning and he was still walking ahead. Zayn stopped for a second when he saw a cliff there. Just as he was going to absentmindedly walk into the cliff, A slender hand stopped him. He looked at who it was absentmindedly.

It was Nicole. When he saw her, he finally comes back to his senses. Nicole looked at him heartbreakingly. She had never seen Zayn like this. He was like a 5 years old child who was separated from his mother. His eyes were bloodshot. He looked very vulnerable at that moment. 

Nicole hugged Zayn tightly and patted his head continuously to console him. Zayn didn't react for some time but then he suddenly squatted down with Nicole. Nicole felt so helpless for the first time. What could she do to lessen his pain?! 

Zayn sat on the ground and hugged Nicole tightly with his head hidden in her neck. Nicole quickly felt her neck getting wet as Zayn's teardrops drained her neck. Nicole let him cry.  Around noon, Zayn finally stopped crying. Nicole supported him as he got up and then took him to the car parked by the roadside.

After making Zayn sit in the passenger seat, she sat at the driver's seat and started the car. She drove for a long time and finally arrived somewhere. Zayn had driven into a deep corner of the city. She found him after driving for a long time and when she saw his car, she searched near there and finally found him after many efforts. 

After Nicole gets out of the car, she opened the door for Zayn. Zayn's legs were still numb because he walked for a long time. Nicole supported him as they entered a luxurious villa. It didn't lose to Zayn's luxurious villa. As they entered, a 40 years old man who looked like a butler comes out. When he saw Nicole with a man, he was shocked but quickly regained his composure.

'' Young Miss,'' The butler greeted her. 

Nicole nodded her head before ordering the butler,'' Butler uncle, please call Doctor max and prepare cold water in a bowl with a towel and send it to my bedroom.''

The butler nodded,'' Yes, Miss.''

Nicole took Zayn into her room and lay him on the bed before covering him with the quilt. The maid brought the bowl and gave it to Nicole. 

Nicole sent the maid out before wetting the towel and then putting it on his head. She continued this until Doctor Max arrived. 

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