Chapter 21: '' I will eat all the ice-cream in the world then.''

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Zayn opened his car door and entered the secret base. Since the incident when he was attacked, Zayn had changed his secret base and made it more secure. After some time when they changed their base, he heard that a really strong group of people come searching about his family. He suspected that they were from the Xie family. However, they asked about him and Alex and when his people replied that he had died in the attack a few days ago to be on the safe side, they didn't believe it. But after looking at the base and his bloody secret room where he died in his previous life, they were convinced it was the truth. 

After that incident, Zayn specifically instructed his people to make that previous base look like how it looked in his previous life. How he had been shot in the torture room and then stumbled his way to his secret room. How the spies had broken into his room by mini bombs and shot at him. He made it look like he had died in that attack because he wanted to find out how the Xie family will react and he wanted to catch them unprepared.

 His brother wasn't informed of his arrival as he suddenly decided to visit him here. The people in the way greeted him as '' Boss!'' While they addressed his brother as ' Big boss.' 

Zayn arrived at his brother's office as he knocked on the door but there was no reply. He opened the door and went inside. He thought that maybe his brother was resting in the room inside his office. He specifically made it for his brother as Alex needed to rest as much as he can. Also, sometimes they had to stay late at night or they need to rest here due to some reasons, so that's why he installed a room inside the office. The door to the room was behind the table and chair. It wasn't noticeable at first but if you looked carefully, you can see it. 

After opening the door, there were stairs going down. He saw that the lights were off but the bedside lamp seems to be open as a dim yellow light filled the room. When he finally walked down, Zayn was stunned. 

He saw that Alex was sitting on a chair beside the bed and someone was sleeping on the bed. As he comes nearer, Zayn recognizes Lisa and also noticed that she seemed to be injured. Alex also seems asleep with his head resting on the bed. Lisa had her hand on his hair as she was fast asleep. It seems like she may be playing with Alex's hair before falling asleep. 

Zayn never saw his brother this way. Even with Robin, the way he loved them was as an elder, as a brother, and as the best friend. But with Lisa, his brother doesn't give his usual brotherly warmth. Instead, he looked like a man looking after his wife. Zayn knew that Lisa and his brother liked each other, but he never knew they are much more than it seems.

Zayn felt glad. At least his brother would also have something he can really look forward to and there will always be someone to stay by his side and help him heal his wounds from the past. But Zayn didn't know that his brother's love for them was far more than he can imagine. Alex was crazy about his little siblings. Now everything he had in his mind was revenge. Just like he did in his previous life before he was attacked.

Zayn saw that it was cold and grabbed a blanket to put it on his brother but it woke him up. Alex saw that it was Zayn and relaxed. He got up from the bed as he gently tucked Lisa under the blanket before going out with Zayn.

Inside the office, Zayn sat down on the sofa with Alex. Alex knew what Zayn had come here for. He knew that Zayn was attacked by some assassins when he was with his girlfriend. He came here to work on that issue though he seems to be intending to hide it from him. Alex suddenly said.

'' I heard about it,''

'' About what?'' Zayn was puzzled.

'' About you and your girlfriend getting attacked,'' Alex said gloomily.

Zayn was shocked. He was sure he had not informed his brother about this and specially instructed his people to not reveal it to his brother. '' How did you know?!'' Zayn asked in a guilty voice.

'' I may have been asleep for a long time but I know you very well and knew you would hide something like this from me so I had my trusted people to protect you and keep watch on you. However, at that time, before they could take action you have already killed them all.''

Zayn didn't know what to say.

'' Why did you not tell me?!'' Alex asked.

'' I... I didn't want to trouble you.'' Zayn remembered Robin saying to Alex that he has to protect him. Zayn didn't want his brother to be locked in the past and not think of himself at all. His brother just thinks about him and doesn't take care of himself. Alex would surely willingly die to save him.

Alex went silent. After a while, he stood up and went towards Zayn and put a hand on Zayn's head and rubbed it like consoling a little kid. '' I am your elder brother. I will protect you. You are not allowed to ever hide anything from me and just live your life happily. Leave this all to me.''

Zayn smiled bitterly and nodded. ''Okay.''

''Let's go. Dinners on me today.'' 

They went to a 5-star hotel and booked a private room. Alen ordered all of Zayn's favourite dishes and then he opened the dessert menu and asked Zayn. '' What would you like for dessert?''

'' Anythings fine.''

Alex looked at the menu. His eyes stopped suddenly on one spot in the dessert menu and slowly dimmed.

It was written there 'Ice-creams'. Alex's eyes went down and there were Ice-cream flavours. At the last, there were chocolate flavour ice-creams. And when Alex saw 'Brownie' on the menu, his eyes turned sorrowful as he remembered a moment of his past.

'' Mommy, Daddy, I want more.''

'' No, Robin. you have already eaten 2 bowls.'' Krystal, their mother, said.

Little Robin pouted cutely and said,'' I still want more.''

Then their father said,'' It will hurt you if you eat a lot of Ice-cream.''

'' But I like Chocolate brownies very very much.'' She specially added two 'very' to show how much she liked it.

Their pampering father who loves his little princess was about to fall for her when their mom stopped him and said to Robin.

'' You can eat as much as you want when your grown-up, you just have to wait for 10 more years.''

When Robin heard this, she pouted angrily and turned her head with a 'hump' '' I will eat all the ice-cream in the world then.''

Krystal laughed at her reaction and couldn't bear her daughter being angry with her. Therefore, she said.

'' Okay. Only one more bowl, Alright?''

Robin laughed secretly and then smiled cutely at her mother which melted their parent's hearts.

Seeing Robin eating happily and being all cutesy with her mother, their father glared accusingly at their mother with a look that said ' Where is the person who stopped me and said to not fall for her' 

Their mother cooly ignored their father's accusing gaze.

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