Chapter 80: Illegitimate child!

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In the Arctic ocean, at the Island...

Robin was more than a month pregnant. She seems more alive since she got pregnant but Lee was still very worried about her. He heard that women had mood swings a lot since they got pregnant. He also heard that they become more sensitive. 

The most fearful thing for him was prenatal depression. He was scared about her getting it. Fortunately, till now everything was alright. 

There was something that was disturbing him too much but he couldn't muster up the courage to ask Robin. He was scared to do anything to make her angry or upset. He simply felt helpless...

At night, Lee came into her room. He usually didn't sleep with her but today he comes here. Robin was not able to sleep easily since she got pregnant. She didn't notice when he comes in but when he lay on the bed, she opened her eyes and was shocked to see him. 

" What are you doing here?" She asked. Actually, she wasn't used to sleeping with him. It hadn't been long since she woke up. She was just a kid last time when she slept alone. She was suddenly matured the moment that the incident took place. Nicole wasn't the shy type but she wasn't the bold type either. 

She was a little of both. She was very brave in love but she was shy in some simple things like sweet words. She would blush and get awkward.

Lee didn't say anything. He put his hand around her waist and took her in his arms. Robin was shocked as she stared at him with widened eyes. Then Lee finally looked down in her eyes.

After staring at each other for a while, Lee said.

" I want to talk about something with you."

" ...What is it?" Robin asked. She was confused because of his sudden change.

" Well... I don't know how to tell you... " Lee was still hesitating because he was scared of her getting angry or upset.

" Tell me! What is it?" Robin sensed that it must be something important from the way he was talking. Though they didn't spend a lot of time together, they both knew each other very well. She could sense he was hesitating so it must be something important.

" ...You see, we are going to have a child." Lee put his hand over her stomach as he said.

" So... " Robin couldn't understand what he wanted to say. 

" I... I don't want our child to-to be... " Lee stopped. He was still hesitating because he couldn't live without her.

For a movement, Robin's heartbeat almost stopped. He really scared her when he said 'I don't want our child' but she understood he was saying something else and it didn't mean anything like that.

" Just tell me! Why are you hesitating so much?!" She almost screamed because he was scaring her by not speaking properly.

" I don't want our child to be an illegitimate child!" Lee suddenly said. After he said that, he felt like a huge weight was lifted off his shoulders.

Robin was shocked. She was dumbfounded and couldn't react for a long time. Lee also didn't say anything as he just silently looked at her. He looked lonely at the movement.

After some time, Robin finally understood what he said. She was so into other things that she didn't think about the fact that they were not married at all and they were going to have a baby. As a person from one of the noblest families, Robin obviously knew that it was wrong to let a child be illegitimate. They say that you shouldn't have children if you are going to make them suffer.

She suddenly felt dumb for overlooking such an important matter. Finally, she looked up at Lee. When Lee saw that she understood what he said, he continued.

" Let's marry." He said before kissing her on the forehead. He was obviously guilty because he couldn't make her live like a normal person. He was guilty they couldn't date like a normal couple. He was guilty that he couldn't propose to her as any other person would do. 

For a long time, Robin couldn't say anything. Finally, she opened her mouth.

" Okay... "

Lee was really shocked. He did not expect to hear this so easily at all. He thought she would feel bad and upset. Maybe even disappointment but he didn't expect this reaction. It stunned him that she agreed so simply.

Then he wanted to ask one more thing but he still felt hesitant. This time Robin got her mind back. Seeing his look, she guessed what he must be thinking and said.

" I want to register with our real identities. Everything else is fake. I don't want our child identification to be fake too."

Hearing this, Lee was again shocked. But after a moment, he said.

" B-But... But for that, We have to go to-to... " He couldn't say anything else. That name just doesn't come into his mouth.

This time, Robin was stunned. Of course, she understood what he was going to say. She didn't think that deeply but now that she thought about it, if they want their real identities to be registered, then they would need to go back there.

" We... We will go there... " She said in the end. She had nothing else in this world except her child and Lee. For them, she would do everything she could. After she went back, she would also look for them. Maybe... Just maybe...

If a miracle happened, she would find one of them...

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