Chapter 13: You're The Exception!

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Zayn gentlemanly pulled the chair out for her as she sat down.  Then, he cut the steak on his plate and exchange it with hers. Nicolo felt warm. She smiled and took the plate.

 After dinner, they get to the deck. However, there was only one chair on the deck. Nicolo wanted to bring one from inside but Zayn stopped her and told her to sit down. Still, Nicolo insisted that he sat down as she thought he was injured and must be feeling tired. Zayn stared at her as she was being stubborn, then he sat down and pulled Nicolo on his lap.

As Nicolo was suddenly pulled down, she was stunned. When she realized it, she was already on his lap as she blushed. When she was going to get up, Zayn hugged her from behind. One hand was wrapped around her waist while the other one was on her chest as he rested his face on her neck. She felt ticklish as his warm breath blew on her neck.

Nicolo tried to get up but Zayn said beside her ear in a low voice,'' Stay still and enjoy the night.'' His voice was very gentle and coaxing. Nicolo calmed down when she heard his voice.

She didn't try to get up again and they sat like that for a long time enjoying the night. Nicolo didn't know when she cuddled in his arms and fell asleep.

When Zayn saw that she had fallen asleep, he picked her up gently and took her to the bedroom. After laying her down on the bed, he also climbed up on the bed and covered themselves with the blanket. Then, he took her in his arms and fall asleep. His wound didn't open this time. It just bled a little.

Next Morning, at 6:AM_______

Nicolo opened her eyes as she rubbed them. She was going to get up but felt someone hugging her from behind. She turned around slowly in fear of waking him up as they lay face to face.

Nicolo started at him for some time and then tried to get out of bed.

However, at that time, Zayn opened his eyes as he felt someone moving in his arms. He looked at Nicolo who was trying to escape from his arms and pulled her down.

Nicolo fell right into his arms. She was a little stunned as she stared into his eyes silently. Zayn glanced at her then pulled her to his chest. Nicolo could even hear his heartbeats as he said,'' It's still early. Sleep for a little longer.''

Nicolo stared at him silently and looked slightly annoyed. Zayn frowned and asked,'' What's wrong? Are you angry?''

Nicolo stared at him for some time before she said,'' Didn't you promised me to take care of your wound! Why did you carry me again?'' Though she knew she didn't weight a lot, for now, even that kilo's of weight is not allowed for him. She could also tell how serious the situation was. He could really lose his hand.

Zayn went silent as he gazed at her. After some time, He held her face with both of his hands and kissed her on the forehead. Then he looked at her and said.

'' You're the exception. No promise matters if it's for you.''

Nicolo's eyes turned a little red. In the end, she let it go as she nestled in his arms and said in a low voice,'' This is the last time. Please don't get hurt again.''

This time, Zayn didn't get hurt and only bled a little but it was okay. He didn't get a fever this time but just felt a little weak.

They slept till 7 AM then they woke up. After freshening up, they arrived at the shore. Zayn called someone from her phone as his phone was destroyed in the accident.

 When they arrived, a velvet was there waiting for them with wine-red Audi R8. Zayn took her in the car and said,'' My hands are fine now. It won't hurt if I drive so let me drive now.'' Then he opened the door of the passenger seat for Nicolo. Nicolo contemplated about it but let it be in the end.

Zayn drove to a 5-star restaurant and picked up a private room for them and asked her to order for them as he took her phone to call Alex.

 After ringing for three times, Alex finally picked up. His voice was slightly hoarse as he said,'' Hello?''

'' Brother, It's me, Zayn.''

''Zayn!  Are you back?''

'' Yeah. I will visit you tomorrow.''




The waiter brought the dishes. After eating, Zayn said to Nicolo.

'' Let's go somewhere today. Where would you like to go?''

Nicolo thought about it then Asked,'' How about a spring resort?''

'' Okay then.''

They left for a spring resort. When they arrived there, it was almost time for launch. They eat chicken 65 with some more side dishes. Then they went for a hot spring. They booked a private one so they don't have to share it with others. There was a partition of curtains in the private room as they can talk to each other.

They spent 3 hours in the hot spring as they also planned to stay the night there and talked about some casual everyday life and foods. The hot spring was very famous for its atmosphere and for its scenery as they had a great time there.

They sat together after the hot spring. Nicolo didn't know what to talk about and the silence was making her little awkward but Zayn didn't feel like that. As Nicolo was contemplating about what to say, Zayn said,'' You will be back tomorrow, right?''

Nicolo replied,'' Yes. Why?'' 

''Nothing. I will send you back.''


Zayn was tired though he didn't do anything. He felt weak and was overwhelmed with fatigue. Nicolo noticed that he was tired so she said to him,'' You should go to sleep.''

Zayn heard her as he looked at her for some time. He didn't want to sleep without her but he was feeling really tired. Zayn thought about what to do. Then he suddenly lay down on the sofa and put his head on her lap as he closed his eyes.

Nicolo was stunned as she stared at him and her body turned stiff. Zayn realized that she was uncomfortable as he opened his eyes and gazed at her. His gaze was so intense that she averted her eyes awkwardly. Zayn smiled,'' Relax, Ok? I just don't want to be away from you. Who knows when you will have a holiday again.''

Nicolo felt warm all over as she heard him. She calmed down and let him sleep as Zayn closed his eyes. Nicolo felt strange. She didn't know what she was feeling but she didn't want to push him away. After some time, she heard his steady breathing and gazed at him. Her hand subconsciously played with his hair as she pulled his fringes away from his eyes. His fair forehead looked so beautiful to her. She bends down a little and kissed him on his forehead. 

Zayn opened his eyes. He felt her hand on his forehead and looked up, only to see her dozing off. He smiled and carefully got up. Then, he picked her up gently as to not wake her up. However, Nicolo woke up from the movements. She asked him sleepily in a low voice. ,'' You're awake?''  

'' Hmm. Let's go to sleep.'' He said.

 Then Nicolo wrapped her arms around his neck as he gazed at her deeply. She looked so beautiful and enticing that he couldn't look away from her. Zayn took her into the bedroom and lay her down on the bed. Then, after climbing the bed, he stared at her face for some time. Then,  he gave her a peck on the lips and said.

'' Goodnight!'' Before going to sleep.

Zayn couldn't stop thinking about her since he saw her. She was doing wonders to him. She was making him feel something mysterious yet addictive. A feeling he didn't want to let go of.

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