Chapter 66: The Relationship Between a Mother and her Child.

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Zayn was waiting for Nicole in front of the Military research centre. He was wearing a black suit with a black t-shirt underneath. His tie was of golden colour designed with black and his leather shoes were gold plated. He was wearing diamond cufflinks with his classic black Rolex watch. In his left hand, he was wearing a white gold ring with a simple design.

After some time, Nicole finally comes out. As soon as she saw him, she dropped her baggage and run towards him. Zayn also walked towards her. As soon as she fell into his arms, Zayn picked her by the waist and spun her around while Nicole quickly put her hands behind his neck for support as they both laughed.

Finally, Zayn put her down as his hands remained on her waist," Your finally here!"

" Yeah! How are you? Everything's alright?"

" Yes. What could happen to me." Zayn replied. They enjoyed meeting each other after a long time. Then Zayn said," Let's go quickly. I will drop you off at your home. I also prepared a present for your mother."

" Why? Aren't you coming with me?" Nicole asked.

" No. You can spend some time alone with your mother. You didn't properly meet her since she comes back."

" Oh... "

" Let's go."

" Okay," Nicole said as Zayn picked up her baggage before putting it in the trunk of his Bugatti Veyron. Fortunately, her baggage wasn't bigger, or else it wouldn't have fitted in the trunk of his supercar.

Zayn drove as Nicole played the songs with Zayn's iPhone 12 pro max. 

She played the song 'Dancing in the Dark' by Rihanna. This was one of the most enjoyable songs. As it was early in the morning, the sky wasn't that bright. The moon was still clearly visible. Nicole enjoyed riding in the car with Zayn. There wasn't much traffic as it was still early for office time.

" I wanna dance in the dark and never stop

We gonna light up the night like shooting stars
Whenever you hear the sound don't be alarmed
Move, move, move

Dancing in the dark... "

While they enjoyed their ride, soon they arrived at her home. Nicole stopped the song as she got out. Zayn also gets out of the car. She gave him his iPhone back. 

Zayn went to the trunk and took out her baggage with another small paper bag with the jade jewellery logo upon it. First, he gave her the baggage and then, he gave her a small paper bag.

Nicole looked at it," This was the present you were talking about?"

" Hmm. It's a jade bracelet. Tell your mother that it is a present from her son-in-law." Zayn smiled as he said that.

Nicole was stunned for a second before she teased him," You are not her son-in-law yet."

Zayn pouted," Does it matter? It's just like a ritual. As long as I consider you as my wife, there is nothing else that matters."

" Okay, Okay. I will go now. Bye~" Nicole hugged him and then turned around to go but Zayn pulled her back and kissed her on the forehead.

" Take care and call me when you're free."

Nicole gazed into his eyes. Then she replied.

" Yeah. Bye!"

" Bye."

Zayn didn't leave until she entered the house.

After Nicole entered the house, she saw the Butler was already awake. He was shocked to see her but then he smiled as he welcomed her.

" Welcome home, Young Miss!"

Nicole smiled at him before she asked," Where is Mom?"

" Madam is still sleeping but she should be awake soon."

" I will wake her up. Prepare the breakfast in one hour."

" Yes, Young Miss."

Nicole went upstairs to her mother's bedroom. There were two master bedrooms in their house. One was hers while the other was her mother's.

She entered the room without making voices. The light was turned off and the curtains were also closed. It was dark inside but she could still see her mother covered in the quilt sleeping on her right side. On the bedside, there was a book and glasses put on there. It looked like she was reading this book before she fell asleep.

 Nicole carefully put down her baggage at the side. The light was shining through the little passage between the curtains. She cautiously strode towards the bed and went inside the quilt. 

Then she hugged Violet from behind as she missed her mother's arms. It was almost time to wake up for Violet so as soon as she felt someone touch her, she instantly woke up but before she suspected what happened, she recognized Nicole's hands and her smell. 

Violet was surprised that Nicole was suddenly here but she felt happier than anything else. She quickly turned around to face her daughter.

There was a saying in this world. That there is a relationship that exceeds all the other relationships. None other can rival this one. Of course, the husband and wife relationship could also not rival it. It is the relationship between a mother and her child. 

No relationship can excel this relationship because no one can love someone as much as a mother loves her child. Those exceptions who don't are not human because even animals knew how to take care of their children.

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