Chapter 69: They May be Biological Brothers!

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Nicole helped her mother to set the table. After putting all the dishes, they sat down. Violet made bread toast. She didn't toast the bread with the normal butter but used the garlic butter because it tasted great. Then she fried the egg with onion and put some salt in it. She also boiled eggs before cutting them. She fried it before adding salt to it.

For drink, Violet made the hot chocolate milkshake as it was cold outside.

" Wow! What a great morning to eat lavish breakfast made by mummy!" Nicole exclaimed happily as she quickly started eating.

Violet smiled. She put her hands on the table as she rested her jaw on them. She enjoyed looking at her daughter eating food. After some time, she also eats the food with Nicole. Violet made enough for four people and Nicole almost finished it all.

After having breakfast, they sat in the living room watching television. As they opened the news channel, the news was all about Project Alinea. The reporter started by saying how risky this project was but if it's successful, it will benefit the economy of the countries and the businessmen. Then the reporter told about which corporations were aiming for the project. Most of the corporations were international while almost none were at the national level.

The reporter also told a little about part 1, part 2, and part 3. Violet commented on it.

" This project is really risky, but if it's a success, it will bring peace to the citizens for acquiring the goods. It will be a great thing for everyone."

" Yeah. Even international corporations would have to risk everything for this project. If anyone of them will be able to pull it off, it would bring tremendous profit to that corporation and the country their headquarters lay in.'' Nicole also spoke about her opinion.

Just as they were discussing the project, the reporter announced.

" One of the most anticipating international corporations that are participating in this project is the one at the 15th position worldwide... ' The ZAR corporation' whose Chairman is Mr Zayn Walker. The most shocking part of it is that he is not handling this project himself. The one handling this project is the newly appointed planning director of the company, Mr Alex Walker. After investigating, we found that Mr Alex and Mr Zayn may be biological brothers but the news is still not confirmed as Mr Zayn doesn't expose his face to the media. The same is true for his rumoured brother, Director Alex."

Nicole and  Violet were shocked as they looked at each other. Then Violet finally asked," Zayn is also participating in this project?! Alex is really his elder brother?"

" ...It seems so!" Nicole said as she was also not aware of it yet. Then she said," Brother Alex is his biological big brother."

" If it's true, then wouldn't he be busy for almost 3-5 years?" Violet asked Nicole.

" I don't know... " Nicole replied.

" If it's true, then you will have to put your wedding on hold. It won't be any good to rush your wedding. Anyway, you are just in your early twenties. So there is no rush!" Violet did not have any problems with that as she was more than happy to have some more time with her daughter.

Nicole also wasn't angry that their wedding would be put on hold because she remembered Zayn's words.

' As long as I consider you as my wife, there is nothing else that matters.'

Of course, both of them knew that having an official marriage is important because it was more than just some documents. It was security to their marriage. It was their lifelong oaths they never wish to break.

Marriage meant more than just the word 'Marriage'. Marriage means binding the strings of two puppets together. The puppets will occasionally stumble against each other and fall down but until the end, they couldn't part ways. If they must part their ways, then they must cut all of their strings. What would a puppet be without its strings? 

Some people say that marriage is a very sacred ritual that binds two strangers together but the truth is, a marriage is the most delicate relationship in this world. If you let the string of your partner loose, it will go away from you. If you grabbed the strings too tightly, it would still go away from you.

This is exactly what a marriage is. We are all the puppets of God. God will control our lives and bind us with someone. We don't know when or how a string would get cut but we will have to quickly tie it up again or else, the other strings will also get loose and unsteady.

This is the meaning of the word called 'Marriage...

She Will Always Be My Queen!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora