Chapter 117: They Saw Lisa Fainting!

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While in the Airport of the capital city of Alencica... 

A plane landed and soon after people started coming out. Robin was dressed in white pants with a black loose shirt with a long coat over it. She had black boots with sunglasses. In her arms lay a boy with blonde hair dressed in comfortable black pants with a white shirt underneath. He had his black leather coat over it.

Next to them was Lee. He was wearing a black suit with a white shirt underneath. He had a slim tie and plain leather shoes in black. He was also wearing black goggles and there was a cute little girl laying in his arms who was also asleep. She was wearing a comfortable checkered frock in black and white with white stockings. She had a beautiful bow on her dress. She had cute black patent leather shoes with a bow on them. She wasn't wearing a coat but a plain white shawl was wrapped around her in case she got cold. 

There were bodyguards behind them who were carrying their luggage. Everything about them told the people that they were from a different league. They were all wearing matching clothes because their little princess demanded them. As soon as they got out, three cars in a row waited for them. In the middle was a white Land Rover Range Rover while in the front and back were two black cars. The bodyguards opened the door for them. Robin carefully entered the car making sure that her son didn't wake up. Lee followed after. He also made sure that his princess didn't wake up. And soon, they left.

Robin didn't want to go to the capital city directly so they went somewhere else. It took them 3 hours and as soon as they arrived, they got into the hotel that Lee had made reservations for. It was the presidential suite. The bed was quite large. Robin put her son in the middle while Lee did the same. After they laid them both down, they covered them with the quilt. Then Robin went to take a bath while Lee looked after the children. After Robin came out, he went to take the bath. 

After drying her hair, Robin went up to the bed and covered the quilt around herself with her children and fall asleep. When Lee comes out, he saw that all of them were in deep sleep. He covered the quilt around them properly again and then kissed them on the foreheads before going to sleep. They were all quite tired from the long journey and felt jet-lagged.

At night...

As they were eating dinner, they had fun. It got cold so Alex brought a blanket for everyone. After giving one to each, he wrapped one around Lisa before sitting down. Lisa saw that he didn't bring one for himself and shared hers with him. When he said no, she stared at him and he agreed. She smiled as she covered the blanket around both of them.

After the dinner, they set up a fire in the firepit they brought. It was warm and comfortable in the cold. Only Alex and Lisa were nestled up together as they shared the blanket. As for Zayn and Nicolo, they were having their little quarrel among themselves and sat far apart. Nicole sat with Violet and chatted away while Emma and Arlo sat together. Zayn was pitifully left alone. Everyone was having a sweet time as they eat snacks in the middle. 

Lisa suddenly felt a little uncomfortable and got up. When Alex asked her where she was going, she said. " I left something in the tenth. I want to bring it back." She didn't want him to worry so she didn't say anything to him. And by the way, it wasn't something serious. 

Alex said that he will bring it but she told him that she wanted to bring it herself. She said him to wait here. Then Alex wrapped the blanket around her and told her to go and come back quickly. She nodded and got up. Alex kept looking at her as he felt that something was amiss. 
Lisa got up as she went towards the tents. The tent was 20 steps away. Everyone was chatting among themselves and joking around. Occasionally, their laughter could be heard. The elders were making fun of Zayn and Nicole who still had their little quarrel going on. Zayn come next to Nicolo and said sorry but Nicole played hard to get. Zayn didn't get annoyed or irritated. Instead, he stood beside her and let her be. Violet looked at them and smiled. All this time, Nicole sat beside her and talked to her more than ever but never once was her attention on her. Her eyes constantly darted towards Zayn. She didn't know herself what she was asking and talking about. Emma and Arlo, we're finally spending time together since Lisa went missing. They hadn't properly sat together let alone talk. They were having a good time together. Just then, all of them heard a scream that startled them.
Alex was watching Lisa carefully because he felt uneasy at heart. As Lisa took a few steps, she stopped as her head pained. Her sight becomes blurry. After stabilizing herself she walked again. But she felt all the strength in her body leaving her as she couldn't walk straight. She swayed here and there. Alex noticed that she was walking oddly. Stopping in the middle and then walking zig-zag. Just as he understood what was going on, he saw Lisa losing her balance and shouted.
" Lisa!!!"
Alex sped towards her so fastly that the eyes could not follow. Just as she was about to hit the ground, Alex caught her.
When everyone heard his shout, they were startled as they got up. Then they saw him run towards the tents as they saw Lisa fainting. Everyone was frozen to the spot. Only after Arlo also went there did others get their senses back. Nicole became solemn as she rushed towards them. Everyone become serious and helped as much as they could. While Emma was frozen stiff at her spot from fear. She didn't know what happened to Lisa but she knew she has just gotten her daughter back. She couldn't lose her again. Her fear kept her frozen like a statue.

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