Chapter 132: Funeral Of Our Parents!

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When Lisa finally come back to the bedroom, she didn't see Alex in the bathroom. When she searched for him, she saw him standing by the window with an unlighted cigarette in his mouth. He actually never smoked but if he was feeling frustrated or disturbed, he would sometimes smoke.

She slowly approached him from behind and when she reached there, she took the cigarette out of his mouth and threw it out in the dustbin. When Alex saw that it was her, he smiled as he asked.

" You are back." 

" Yeah."

" How did it go?"

" Well, of course, they were shocked but they were glad that everything is alright now. They had a hard time believing it. After all, all of you siblings were very famous even though no one actually saw you."

" Right yeah... "

" Is something on your mind? You look dazed."

" Nothing special. I was just wondering what was I before everything happened. I don't know why but I miss Mummy and Daddy so much today. Once we went back, I want to visit them."

Lisa smiled hearing him. She liked him so much. He was such a great person. He was the person she respected and loved the most. 

Then Alex took her hand and take her to the bathroom.

" I have prepared the bath for you. Go and bath. You will feel better." He kissed her on the forehead before closing the door behind. 

Lisa took her bath. After changing her clothes, she saw that Alex wasn't in the bed. She went into the living room of the Presidential suite and saw Alex sitting on the sofa drinking a glass of wine. Then she went there and sat beside him. 

" I also want to drink seeing you."

" I would have let you if it wasn't for the baby," Alex said while glancing at her stomach with love.

" Yeah, I know. I was just joking. If you want to, you can go drink with Zayn or anyone you else."

" No. I was just having a little bit. I am not in the mood to get drunk. Rather, I want to have a peaceful night with you."

Saying that Alex finished his wine in one go. Then he put the wine glass on the table. Just when he was going to say Let's go to sleep, he noticed that her hair was still slightly wet. He took a dry towel and helped her dry it. 

After drying her hair, he picked her up. Lisa put her hands around his neck and rested her head on his chest. 

Then Alex gently put her down on the bed. He also climbed up and covered themselves with the quilt as he kissed her forehead before saying. 

" Goodnight."

Lisa smiled warmly and gave him a peck on his lips. Then she cuddled herself in his arms and closed her eyes.


Nicole went to take a bath after Zayn was done. When she came out, Zayn suddenly hugged her from behind. She hadn't even dried her hair yet. She was stunned. As she turned around, he suddenly kissed her. When she wanted to pull out and ask him what was wrong, he didn't let her go.

Nicole wondered what was wrong with him. He was being unusually clingy tonight. She also wanted to ask him about everything that's happened. She also didn't know he was the 2nd Prince of Alencica. 

She didn't know much about the royal family. She just heard the rumours about how they disappeared and nothing else. She didn't how the Crown Prince, Princess or 2nd prince of Alencica were like. 

She wasn't much interested in the world's affairs, to begin with. She had a cold attitude towards the world because of everything that's happened in the past. She took her father's death quite hardly herself.

Suddenly coming to know that her fiancee was a prince of the Alencica was quite shocking to her. She finally gave up when Zayn didn't let her go. She hugged his shoulders and went along with him. 

That night, she couldn't even count how many times he had said 'I love you' That night, he was really clingy and childish. He wouldn't even let her look away for a second. 

After they were done, Nicole was really tired while Zayn was still being clingy. Nicole looked at him and asked.

" What happened? You are really the 2nd Prince of Alencica?" 

Zayn gazed at her for a long time before he finally said.

" I was only 3 and a half years old at that time. I don't even remember anything much other than that incident. Mom and dad went on a business trip. However, they never come back. It was said that they died in a car accident but such a coincidence didn't usually happen with the King and the Queen. They were conspired against and murdered. The situation was bad. The country was in shackles because of their deaths. With all the chaos going around, I was attending the funeral of our parents with Bhai and Didi. After seeing my parents being buried, I started crying loudly. Bhai and Didi were also in a very bad condition but seeing me crying like that, they stopped their tears and took me away. As our parents were buried quite far away from the city in a small mountain, we decided to stay in a place down that mountain. The bodyguards were there to protect us. My brother and sister consoled me for a long time before I finally fell asleep from getting tired. I didn't know what happened but when I woke up, that place was on fire. Bhai and Didi were trying their best to take me out of there. Bhai found the exit of the back door. However, just as we were going to get out, we heard the voice of something falling down. I was in Bhai's arms at the time. He was carefully carrying me, making sure I don't touch anything there and burn myself but he got himself burnt in the process. The burn marks are still there on his body. Just when we finally thought we escaped successfully, Didi suddenly pushed us harshly. We fell out in front of the exit. When we looked back in shock, she smiled with tears in her eyes and said to 'live on'. Then something large fell on her. The area around us also started crumbling. Bhai tears weren't stopping as he took me out and soon collapsed as we hid in the branches of the tree.  I could never forget that movement of my life. I usually saw this in my nightmares until before I met you."

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