Chapter 93: Your Daughter's Father!

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The doctor was a simple person. He got scared of Bates and quickly did as he was told. He was just an intern. His hands shook a little as he bandaged Violet's hand while he also put her on an IV drip.

Finally, when he finished bandaging her, he stuttering told Bates.

'' Th-the patient is alright. Just don't let-let her wound touch water!'' 

When he finished, Bates quickly went towards Violet. The doctor quickly escaped as he was really scared. Violet finally got her senses back. She felt very complicated in her heart. One thing she knew very well was about the psycho's love. It was totally crazy.

The madness she saw in his eyes at the movement when she got hurt, she was scared of that. Until now, he didn't show any signs of psychoses but that was the movement she confirmed that he was actually a psycho.

Yeah, it was really abnormal how he can kill or torture people but that was a part of his life because he saw it since he was a kid. What was more abnormal was how it didn't affect him when he was tortured. Yet, it wasn't to that level of psychosis that she saw in him at that movement.

She had a doubt that he had that level of psychoses but she was not confirmed. However, at that movement, she confirmed it.

She frowned her eyebrows thinking about it. If she is truly that trigger then it would really be a headache.

Just then, Bates grabbed her hand to check her wound. Violet tried to take it back however, he was grabbing it so tightly that she couldn't do that. Yet, he also made sure that he was not hurting her wound. After seeing that it was alright, he let her go and looked up at her.

'' Who was it?!'' He asked with madness in his eyes.

Violet was scared for a movement before she asked him back.

'' What are you talking about?''

'' Who left the blade there?'' 

'' I did!''

'' Then who was the cleaner there?!''

'' Why?''

'' Just tell me!''

'' No!''

'' Okay then.''

Bates suddenly got up and strode outside. He looked furious and scary. Violet went blank for a movement before she realized what happened. Her eyes widened as she quickly got up.

'' Shit!'' She angrily got up and pulled out her IV drip. Then she ran after him. Bates was just about to enter the car when she arrived. She shouted at him. 

'' Bates! Stop right now!'' 

Bates was shocked when he heard her voice. When he saw that she got out of the hospital with that wound, he got more furious and quickly walked to her. After picking her up, he strode back into the ward. After putting her down, he noticed the IV drip on the side. He clearly understood that she recklessly took it out by herself. He was so furious that he wanted to torture someone.

After looking at her, he asked in a cold voice.

'' Did you do this just for that cleaner?!''

'' What?!'' Violet almost swore. It was really hard to be with this type of psychos. Then she said.

'' Are you stupid? I left the blade on the table myself. I cut my hand by myself. Why are you mad at the cleaner?! And just what are you angry at?!'' She shouted at him.

Bates didn't expect this as he was stunned for a movement before he suddenly grabbed her jaw and pulled her closer as he said.

'' You still don't know?!'' He asked furiously.

'' No! I don't''

'' Then hear me clearly! I! Love! You!''

'' So what?! I don't care!''

'' But I do! So don't f******g get hurt!!!''

Violet was stunned. Then he let her go. When she got her senses back, Violet shouted at him.

'' If your that worried, that why do you hurt me the most?!''

Bates glared at her for sometime before he said.

'' The one who hurt you the most isn't me.''

'' Then who is it?!'' Violet asked furiously.

'' Your daughter's father!'' Saying that Bates left the ward as he felt he wouldn't be able to control himself any longer.

Violet was startled for a long time. She didn't understand what happened. After some time, she left the hospital as her chauffeur come to pick her up.

The next day, Bates received a message that Violet refused to treat him any longer. 

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