Chapter 125: This Is The Best Movement Of My Life!

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Zayn hugged her tightly and cried. 

" Why didn't you come back? I have been all alone! You and Bhai both left me alone and only come back when I was getting used to living with this misery. You were not there when I was alone! I missed you... So much. Didi!" 

Zayn complained like a child to her.

" I am sorry! I am sorry that I am late." Robin said as she wiped his tears.  Hearing her words, Zayn thought they were familiar. Just then, Sophia tugged at her dress and asked.

" Mummy! Mummy! Who are they?! Why are you hugging them?!" 

Seeing her daughter, Robin smiled. She wiped her tears and picked her up. Then she looked back and saw Lee. Lee picked up Jack in his arms and brought him towards them. Looking at Alex and Zayn, Robin smiled and introduced them.

" Bhai! Zayn! This is Jack and Sophia." Then she looked at Lee with love and said. 

" They are our children. You probably didn't forget him, right? This is Lee. We used to play with him when we were young." 

Alex recognised him but Zayn had a hard time. His only memories of his childhood were with his parents, brother and sister. Others, he didn't bother to remember.
Then, Robin looked at her daughter and son as she said.

" Jack! Sophia! They are your uncles!"

Then she pointed at Alex and said.
" He is my elder brother, Alex Walker and... " 

Then she pointed at Zayn and said.
" This is my younger brother, Zayn Walker! Greet your uncles!"

" Uncle Alex! Uncle Zayn! Do you remember me?! I am Sophia! Your niece!"

Robin laughed at her as she said.
" How could they remember you when you haven't met them?!"

Alex and Zayn laughed. Alex came forward and said to Sophia.
" Little Princess, come to your uncle!" Alex said as he opened his arms.

Sophia smiled cheekily and went into his embrace. Alex carefully held her making sure she was comfortable. Soon enough, Alex becomes Sophia's dear uncle. 

Jack looked at them and felt jealous inside his heart but he was too prideful to act like her. Just then, Zayn come to him and picked him up from Lee's arms. 

Jack was shocked as his body stiffened. Zayn smiled at that. He didn't talk and just held him in his arms. After a while, Jack relaxed and looked at Zayn. He thought that his uncle is so good looking. He especially liked Zayn's white hair. He found his uncle cool and just like how he wanted to become when he grew up.  

Zayn was wearing a black watch which caught Jacks attention.  He subconsciously touched the watch and looked at it fondly.
Zayn smiled at him and asked. 

" Do you like watches?!"
Jack nodded shyly. 

Zayn chuckled. " Do you want one? Like the one, I am wearing?!"
Hearing this, Jacks eyes sparkled as he nodded happily.

" Do you want to see Aunty?!"

" Yes." Jack nodded obediently.

Then, Zayn walked towards Nicole and introduced them. 

" This is Aunt Nicole and this is grandaunt Violet. Nicole, Aunty, this is my nephew, Jack."
Nicole smiled at Jack and took him from his hands. They all quickly mixed up with the children. Then Violet took him away from Nicole. Nicole came towards Zayn and said. 

" I am really happy for you! As expected, your sister is amazing and your nephew and niece are so cute." 

Zayn smiled and hugged her. He whispered in her ears.

" This is the best movement of my life!"

Alex also brought Sophia to Lisa and introduced them.

" Isn't this the famous actress, Lisa! " Lisa smiled and asked.

" Do you recognise aunty?"

" Yes! And I like aunty!" Saying that she went into Lisa's arms and clung onto her. Alex was jealous as he said.

" Now that you got aunty, you forget your uncle?"

" Uncle, how can you get jealous of your wife?!" 

Everyone laughed at that. Lisa also introduced her parents and Violet to Sophia. Violet also introduced Jack to Emma and Arlo. Though they were confused, Arlo took a liking to Jack.
While they were all having fun and Sophia was even demanding to eat cake from them, Robin and Lee stood there dumbfounded.

Robin looked at Alex and Lisa with wide eyes as she asked.

" What's going on here?! Did they forget about us?! And when the hell did they get married?! They are still so young! Why did they marry so early and why are they not introducing us?!

Lee had a helpless smirk on his face as he gazed at her tenderly. If Alex and Lisa married early, then when did they marry? He shook his head helplessly. However, tears were threatening to fall out of his eyes. He was actually very good at hiding his feelings. Moreover, Lee was naturally cold and with all that happened in his infancy, he become a bit ruthless and emotionless until it come to Robin. Seeing his love expressing those sides of her that she had lost, he couldn't be happier. 

Seeing that mischief filled Robin, who would make everyone laugh and cry at the same time, who loved to tease endlessly, Lee just wanted to bow down to God and thank him for all he had.

She Will Always Be My Queen!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن