Additional Chapter 164: Arthur Anthony 3.

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Alex, Zayn and Lisa waited outside. Each one of them with a heavy heart. They all weren't able to compose themselves. 

Alex was all messed up. Zayn's clothes were still tidy. However, suddenly he took out his tie roughly and throw it away. He almost punched the wall but stopped himself as Alex and Lisa were there. Lisa's clothes were alright but her hair become a nest. 

Zayn asked Alex.

" Bhai, what happened? Who dared to do this to Arthur?! I don't understand what's happening?"

Alex was silent. He stared at Zayn and opened his mouth. However, they were interrupted by hurried footsteps. Robin and Lee finally arrived. They panted as they rushed here. Seeing the situation, they both understood that something big must have happened. 

Robin anxiously asked.

" What happened?!"

Meanwhile, in the OT, with tears in her eyes, Nicole carefully operated on her son. Suddenly, his pulses weakened. Then the other doctor said.

" Doctor Nicole, he lost too much blood. He needs a blood transfusion immediately!"

For a moment, Nicole's whole body shook but she quickly calmed her body and used her mind. Then she said hurriedly.

" Don't go to the royal family blood bank. It will take too long. Call my husband in. We will do the direct transfusion! Arrange a bed for him."

" Okay!"

Outside the OT, the situation was very tense. Before anyone could say anything, the door to the OT was opened hurriedly. A nurse come with a tense expression and said.

" Prince Zayn! Dr Nicole has urgently called you inside. We need a blood transfusion for prince Arthur. Come with me to sterilize."

Everyone was stunned. Without hesitating, Zayn followed the nurse and sterilized himself as fast as he could. He also had to do some tests before transfusing blood.

Then he wore the necessary things and went inside. Nicole didn't look at him and kept her focus on the operation. Seeing the situation of his son and wife, tears fell from his eyes but he quickly wiped them and lay down next to Arthur. The nurse efficiently worked and his blood was transfused to Arthur. He silently looked at his son and wise. 

A lot of blood was extracted from him. He instantly felt the energy draining from him. Arthur's pulses went back to normal. Nicole finally took out his bullets. Seeing those two bullets, Zayn's eyes flickered with fire. At the same time, he was worried to death. 

Alex explained the situation to Robin and Lee. They were also as shocked as others. They then also called violet, Jack, Sophia and Krystal. While they were waiting, Lisa suddenly noticed Alex's bloody hand. Before she was too shocked and didn't see it but now she was a bit calm. 

" What happened to your arm?!" Lisa took his hand in her and looked at it worriedly. 

" Nothing." 

Robin also looked at it and came forward. Seeing the completely bloodily drenched hand, her eyes flickered angrily.

Lee quickly called a nurse with first aid. The nurse came. When she opened his hand, his wound has gotten worse. After all, he drove with that hand. Moreover, he also lost blood and didn't treat his wound properly. 

" The wound is bad. It could be infected. For now, I will clean it up and gave you some antibiotics. But please check up on it with a doctor."

The nurse cleaned up his wound and bandaged it.

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