Chapter 135: She Fell In Love With Him Once Again.

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Nicole opened her eyes. The sky was dark. She wanted to get up but felt quite tired. Then she remembered what happened last night and blushed. Last night, Zayn was a little bit different from his usual self. He was impatient and wouldn't listen at all. 

Normally, he was so gentle and would always listen to everything she had to say. But last night, he wasn't himself. He seemed to be troubled by something. It definitely had something to do with his past. 

As Nicole was thinking about him, she suddenly noticed that she wasn't in his arms. Usually, whenever they slept together, she would be in his arms when she woke up. She quickly turned around and saw that he still wasn't there. She quickly got up ignoring her tiredness and searched for him. While searching for him, she found out that his nightdress was in the bathroom. She quickly went out and searched for his car keys and found out that they are missing. One of his dresses was also missing.

Nicole ran her hand through her hair and she closed her eyes. Then she took a quick shower. After drying her hair a little, she changed her clothes. She wore black jeans with a white shirt underneath. Then she wore a black tang coat with white buttons on the right side of her body.

After buttoning her coat, she picked up her phone and went out. She closed the door and entered the elevator. She let her hair be open as they were still slightly wet. Then she called Zayn but his phone was switched off. 

Nicole looked pissed off but actually, she was worried about him. His unusual behaviour last night and his past made her worried. If it wasn't for that she was tired, she wouldn't have slept until him.

Here she was freaking out worrying about him but there he was somewhere with his phone switched off. Nicole hurried to the reception and booked a car. They were VIPs so they got her one of their best available cars. It was Jaguar F-type.

As soon as the velvet stepped aside, she entered the car and stepped on the accelerator. The car quickly disappeared. She drove while looking out for his car. She thought about where could he go. He may roam around in the car or he could go somewhere he can be alone. After thinking about it for a long time, she went to some viewpoints but didn't see him. While she was driving past one of the largest buildings in that place, she suddenly noticed a lamp flying near that building. She quickly stepped on the brakes. 

Then she hurriedly took a u-turn and entered the parking of that building. As she looked around, she spotted Zayn's car. She sighed relievedly. As she entered the elevator, she remembered the lamp and went to the rooftop.

It was strange how this building was still open cuz usually, the workers don't come to work until 6-7 AM. This building was obviously a premise of some company but then she guessed that since Zayn was here, he may have done something.

As soon as she reached the rooftop, she saw Zayn. He was standing there alone gazing at the lamp flying in the sky. The sky was still dark so it was easy to spot the lamp. He was in a black suit. His tie was slim and his shoes were shiny. He was wearing a thigh-length coat whose colour was covered by black fur. As it was the rooftop, cold winds were attacking him. His hair and clothes were waving. They were a bit messed up but he was still so handsome. His hands were in his pocket as he looked like he was in a daze.

Seeing his back profile, standing alone in the darkness of the night, beneath the stars and the moon, shining brightly like never before, Nicole felt like she fell in love with him once again.

His haircut was still the same as before. Like the character Kise Ryota in the last game or Kawaki in Boruto. It was very cool and suited him very much.

He was so cool and handsome, but most importantly, he knows how to love someone. He loves her so much so how could she not love him back. 

She met him 5-6 years ago but she loves him enough to give him all the remaining years of her life. Now, he is one of the most important person to her. Without him, she doubts she can live again and even if she did, it would be far worse than how she lived after losing her father.

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