Chapter 118: Sister Lisa Is Pregnant!

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When Nicole gets there, Alex already picked up Lisa. As he was going to take her to the tent, Nicole quickly told him.
" Bhai Alex, take sister Lisa to the car. We need to go to the hospital as she needs insulin now. Zayn quickly drove us to the hospital. I will check up on her while we are in the car. We can't afford to waste time here."
Nicole then turned to Arlo and said.
" Uncle, you follow up behind us in another car. Take aunty and mummy with you. Look after aunty. She doesn't look alright."
As Nicole had been training in the hospital, she worked in the emergency department. She was used to working in such situations now and didn't panic.
Everyone listened to her as Zayn was already in the car. Alex put Lisa in the backseat with Nicole and went to sit in the passenger seat. He was worried for her but he knew she needed Nicole to be here rather than him.
Arlo was so worried about Lisa that he forget about Emma. When he saw how Emma's eyes were frozen with fear, he quickly embraced her and told her that nothing is going to happen to Lisa. They also sat in the car. Arlo drove while Emma and Violet sat in the backseat.
Violet consoled Emma as she told her not to worry. That Nicole was a good doctor and will take care of her.
Nicole checked upon Lisa as they were going to the hospital. When she felt Lisa's pluses, her eyes widened in shock as she looked at Alex. Alex was looking at them and when he saw Lisa's shock filled eyes, his heartbeats almost stopped. He asked with a trembling voice.
" What- What happened?!"
Nicole got her senses back and told him.
" Nothing! She will be alright after insulin."
Alex felt relieved but he still couldn't feel relaxed until she woke up.
When they reached the hospital, everyone rushed in as Alex carried Lisa. As they put Lisa on the bed, Nicole told them.
" I am also a doctor. Please let me take care of her."
The nurses and doctors looked hesitant as they watched her. Nicole searched for her identity card but remembered that she left it there. Just then, Zayn gave her the identity card. She was stunned but then she smiled.
" Thank you! " She told Zahn before showing her identity card to the doctors and nurses. When they saw that she is the Military doctor from the capital, they quickly allowed her in. Nicole told them to don't worry. Everything is alright before going in.
They all waited anxiously. Alex couldn't sit or stand at a place as he went here and there. Zayn wanted to tell him to relax but he knew it won't be useful. While Emma was losing herself. It was like as soon as the doctor said that something is wrong, she would faint right there. Arlo was trying his best to tell her that Lisa will be alright but he himself was struggling to control his emotions. Violet saw that Emma was getting too worried and will affect her health if anything happened. She convincingly told her that everything would surely be alright and stabilised Emma. After all, she wasn't called one of the top psychiatrists in the world for nothing.
When Nicole went in, she first put Lisa on insulin. After that, she ran some test on her to be sure and finally come out. Again, she was drenched in sweat. Though it was nothing serious this time, not even surgery, when it came to a family, she always freaks out. She still couldn't imagine how she operated on her mother who she loved the most.
When they come out, everyone surrounded Nicole and the others. Zayn went towards Nicolo and handed her his napkin. Nicole looked at him thankfully before wiping the sweat off of her face and neck when Alex asked.
" How is she?!"
" Don't worry! Sister Lisa is perfectly fine."
Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when Alex asked again.
" Then why did she faint?!"
Nicole looked at all of their tense faces. She wanted to tease them all but knew it wasn't the right time for that.
" That... "
Everyone's heart was in their throat as Nicole took a pause there. Nicole chuckled at them and before they could wonder why she laughed, Nicole said with a smile to Alex.
" Congratulations! Brother Alex, Sister Lisa is pregnant. You are going to be a father."

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