Chapter 158: Always Be A Baby For Her.

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After that, it was her dear elder sibling whom she loved and respected a lot. Sophia and Jack. They gave her a handmade wooden craved nine-tailed fox. They made it more beautiful and interesting with a little fantasy. She always liked fox so much they all knew it. Jack and Sophia learned from scratch how to make it and made a beautiful one for herself. She liked it a lot too. Every gift from the family was beautiful and meaningful for her because they put so many thoughts into them to provide her with the best gift.

Then it was her great and teasing lover aunt's turn. Robin picked her up lovingly from the ground. 

" Darling, we got to know that you like witty games and all. So after thinking a lot, your uncle and I researched and decided to bring all your likes together. We made a game together with the latest technology. It has business missions and logical puzzles and a lot of these witty and hard but engaging elements in it which will bring all that you like together. It is sort of like monopoly, the riddles of the detectives, the crime scenes and lots more real-life things that you can learn in it. I am sure you will like it. We even have a fox as a pet for you in it and lots of amazing and creative things in that game. It will be launched today internationally and will be named after you." 

Now she was excited to play this game. She couldn't wait for it. After all, she was still a child. Then Robin exclaimed as if she forget something. When Krystal's and others attention was pulled back towards her, Robin smiled with mischief hidden inside that magically enchanting orbs of her eyes and said in a low voice that wasn't actually low.

" Baby, I am going to tell you something. Don't tell your mummy and daddy okay? It has some naughty things too so just enjoy it~ " Robin mischievously winked at her. Krystal chuckled but it was too sweet that diverted her parent's attention back to her from reprimanding Robin. Robin was the only person whose jokes made her laugh. Others also do but Robin always makes her laugh whenever she is around and she felt a deep bond with her.

Then finally it was her parent's turn. She was also nervous and anticipating it. She loved her parents a lot and she knew just how many lengths they can go for her. She admired and respected them the most in the world and no one can fight for that with her. 

They always do so much for her that the princess of Alencica, one who had luxuries in luxuries as her daily commodities, someone who would lack nothing in the world, wealth, intelligence or love would still be overwhelmed. 

Since her first birthday, the whole of Alencica was given a compulsory holiday to the schools, offices, etc. The kingdom also sent a huge amount of money to all the orphanages in Alencica and the children have a feast for them with some extra money for their comfort commodities. Her uncles and aunties, Zayn, Nicole, Robin and Lee who all own the top place in whichever field they are, sent a huge amount to Africa on her birthday.  

Moreover, her birthday was one of the rare days the fireworks were displayed. All the citizens gather together to enjoy the moment. That particular day, on her birthday, was like the most celebrated festival in Alencica. The streets didn't have a place to walk untouched. Every place is decorated with lightenings, people performing and doing different things to celebrate the day, making costumes for Halloween and angels and devils theme.

This day become so festive and fun that a lot of tourists and foreigners came just to enjoy it. Especially, the quantity triples when they open the 'Never Land'. It was Alencica's biggest platform for entertainers which only opens on festive. If it opens on her birthday, then it was sure that the one performing and rocking the world would be Robin, the legendary artist in the music industry but other foreign and internationally famous artists also perform that day. However, it starts at midnight. 

Alex and Lisa took her to the terrace of the kingdom. Only the family members were there. They went to the top. They stopped, Alex looked at a servent who quickly brought a gift wrapped beautifully.

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