Chapter 131: It Was Wish Of The Innocent!

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When Zayn came in front of her, Nicole smiled and told him.

" It's dinner time already. We came to call you all for dinner. Let's go."

" Ok. Let's go." Zayn replied gently. Then he grabbed her hand and went forward.

Just then, Lee also came. Robin asked him what their kids were doing. He said that they fell asleep in Violets and Emma's arms. Then Alex, Lee, Robin and Lisa went back together.

They went to a different restaurant and had dinner there. Many things happened that night. Everyone was quite tired and surprised by the incidents. They soon went back to the hotel and everyone went into their room to sleep.

Robin took Jack and Sophia to bathe and then, she put them to sleep. After they fell asleep, Robin went out to the balcony to get some fresh air. 

After checking up on Sophia and Jack one last time, Lee also followed after her. He saw that she was standing by the railing and looking nowhere in a daze. He slowly approached her and hugged her from behind.

Robin knew it was him so she didn't look back. She covered his hand on her waist with hers and smiled.

Lee gently asked her. 

" What happened? What are you thinking about?"

" You know, I... " Robin said as she gazed at the sky full of stars. Then she turned around and hugged him. Her head resting on his chest as she hears his faint heartbeats.

" I feel so glad to be alive! I am glad that I didn't do anything stupid. I am glad you were there for me. Thank you, Lee!" 

" What are you talking about? Robin, if not for you, I would still be living a dumb life in that house. You gave me a reason to break out of it and live with you. Don't say thank you to me. You are my everything."

Robin smiled warmly and pulled out of his arms. She put her hands on his face and pulled him closer. As they looked at each other inches apart, Robin whispered.

" Lee, I Love You... "

Then she kissed him on the lips. Lee was stunned. He froze in his spot as Robin was kissing him. He couldn't understand what was happening. It was the first time she said she loved him in this way. He never dreamed of it because he was scared of getting his hopes high.

Robin put her hands around his shoulders and looked at him. She smiled and asked.

" Why are you so shocked? I have always loved you. I didn't say it because I thought I didn't deserve to but Lee, I can't stop myself tonight. I am so glad that I have loved someone like you. I am so happy!"

Lee smiled hearing her words. It was like a dream come true. 

" I Love You too! Robin, I love you, I love you, I love you, I really do!" Lee hugged her tight;y as he said.

" Yeah! Yeah, I know. " Robin ran her hand through his hair as she said.


As Alex was taking a bath, Lisa explained everything to her parents and Victoria. All of them were surprised to find out that the Royal family of Alencica had gone through so much. They were so shocked to find out that the Crown Prince of Alencica was still alive. 

Robin was that famous Princess of Alencica. She was rumoured to be the most mischievous person in the kingdom. The Princess of Alencica was a very famous person in the nation. Tough her face wasn't exposed to the media, almost everyone in the country knew that she was the dearest person of the Alencica. She was the heart of the kingdom. From the king to the maids, everyone loved her. She was the perfect definition of a spoiled princess yet her heart was never spoiled. The one who was loved by everyone, the one who couldn't be hated, that was the Princess of Alencica. They were shocked to know that it was Robin but she definitely looked like the famous Princess in the rumours.

And Zayn, no wonder he was so handsome. Even when he was just a child who couldn't walk, he was known to be very cute and handsome. Whoever met the 2nd prince of Alencica would fall for his cuteness. He had a poker face and wouldn't talk much to strangers and yet he was so cute. When he smiled, the people would just fall over for him. That's why Robin had also said that girls will line up all the way to the mars for him. Well, he was really worth it.

They wonder how these siblings would look in their Crowns and actual appearance. They had never seen Zayn in blonde hair and blue eyes. He would look fantastic in it. They had never seen Robin in a princess dress as they haven't even met her before. But the one they anticipated seeing the most was Alex. When the royal family was still intact, the rumours of the Crown Prince of Alencica amazed many countries in the world. His intelligence was proud for the citizens. He had everything any king candidate would require. Rather, he was far better than any of his ancestors. One of the main reasons for his wiseness was all the hardship he had endured. 

He was great on the battlefield, he was great in business and most importantly, he was genuine in his love for the nation. He would always attend important meetings with his father when his father was still alive. His parents never told him to attend as he was still young but he insisted. He said that as the Crown Prince of Alenccia and as an elder brother of two little siblings, he had to be the best to protect them. 

Their parents loved him and were proud of him. That was what Alex was. He was the most laid back person in the kingdom and yet he was the most famed. The people of Alencica anticipated the day he will be Crowned as the King but unfortunately, they heard he disappeared and most likely died. They were sad to lose such a great royal family who thinks the best of them. The day King and Queen died, all the people mourned. Then they heard about the disappearance of the King and Queen's children and from the next death anniversary of the King and Queen, they always wished for the Crown Prince and his sibling to return safely. 

Maybe it was the wish of the innocent citizens who saved them but Alex, Zayn and Robin were really glad to be alive at that movement. They were glad they didn't die.

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