Chapter 20: "I Love You!"

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It was a beautiful beach. As Zayn took her there, a serviceman was there waiting for them. When he saw Zayn, he said,'' Sir, Everything is ready.''

'' Okay. You can go now.'' Zayn said.

Nicole gets curious and asked,'' What's ready?''

'' It's a surprise.'' 

'' Oh... ''

Zayn grabbed her hand and took her forward. There was a mat on the sand and a small table with wine and glasses and there was also a light coming from the van behind so that they could see in the dark. Zayn took her to the mat and let her sat before he also sat. 

He filled the wine into glasses and gave her one and took one for himself. They sat by the seaside as Zayn gently pulled her in his arms. It was a little cold as he called the serviceman to bring a blanket and wrapped it over them. As they were enjoying the view of the stars, Nicole said,'' There seems to be a boat there.'' She pointed towards the sea.

Zayn smiled and said,'' Yes.''

Zayn called someone and said,'' Start.''

After a few seconds comes the blasting voice of fireworks. Nicole was stunned for 5 whole seconds before she smiled and leaned in Zayn's embrace while looking at the fireworks. The Fireworks burst one by one for 5 min and then at the last firework, something was written with it.

When it becomes clearer, she saw what was written there and blushed but also felt very warm on the inside. It was written clearly there.  "I Love You!"  Then, it slowly faded away. Nicole truly wished that it would stay like that forever. 

She didn't say anything but her action said otherwise. She kissed Zayn on his lips before hiding in his embrace.

Zayn stared at her lovingly. He never desired to hear her say 'I Love You Too'. He just wants to be able to say that to her and to always be with her. He missed her so much when she was in the military but to see her smile he could wait for years. It had been near two and a half months since they met. He also knew that 'I Love You!' are not some simple words and that's why many people are not able to say it so soon like Nicole. But he knew that he truly loved her. So he wanted to convey his feelings to her. He wanted her to know just how much she meant to him. 

Nicole fell asleep lying in his arms. When Zayn saw that she had fallen asleep, he smiled helplessly and tucked her properly under the blanket before taking out a box from his pocket. 

Zayn opened the box. There was a beautiful delicate diamond necklace. It was a small shining star with little diamonds upon it. It gave a beautiful, delicate, and gentle vibe. Zayn pulled it out and carefully place it on Nicole's neck. It looked beautiful on her and matched her a lot. Then he also laid down with her, taking her in his arms before falling asleep.

They slept peacefully for a few hours and then Nicole wakes up first. The first thing she saw after waking up was Zayn's handsome face. He was sleeping so peacefully. After staring at him for some time, Nicole reluctantly get up and stretched herself. However, her hand crashed into something.

When she turned back to look, it was Zayn. He had just woken up when a hand slapped him. He was shocked and dazed but seeing that it was Nicole, he smiled teasingly. Nicole was embarrassed as she blushed. What happened last night comes into her mind as she quickly got up and wanted to hide somewhere but she had nowhere to hide. Then Zayn said from behind. '' Okay! It's alright. You will be late if you waste any more time. I will drop you off.''

Nicole didn't say anything and kept silent obediently as she was embarrassed. She changed her clothes in the van that Zayn had called over. There were clothes inside, the type she prefers as she changed into comfortable clothes. While she was changing, she saw a beautiful yet simple necklace lying quietly on her neck. She was wondering where it come from when she heard Zayn's voice from outside,'' Change faster or you will be late.''

Nicole quickly changed into a comfortable sports outfit and her luggage was also prepared for her. Nicolo said after looking at the big and heavy suitcase,'' I have a lot of clothes at the military. Moreover, I normally have to wear military clothing so I don't need so many clothes there.''

'' Keep it as an extra,'' Zayn said.

Nicole knew he won't listen so she could only helplessly watch as Zayn put the suitcase in the car trunk before opening the passenger's seat for Nicole.

Nicole sat down and then Zayn also get into the car and started driving. Nicolo suddenly remembered the Necklace and thought about asking Zayn.

'' I saw a necklace on me while I was changing clothes. Did you put it on me?'' 

'' Yeah. It's a present from me. Do you like it?'' 

Nicole felt warmth and said,'' Hmm. It's beautiful.'' 

Zayn smiled. They finally arrived as they got out of the car. In front of the gates, Nicole said.

'' Okay then. I will go now and call you whenever I got a chance.'' Nicole turned around after saying that. However, before she could take a step further, Zayn held her wrist and pulled her in his embrace tightly. Nicole was shocked but didn't retaliate and instead, she hugged him back. Zayn patted her head before letting her go.

 Nicole went towards the gate as Zayn's gaze followed her but as Zayn thought she would go now, Nicole suddenly turned back and put her right hand on the back of his neck before pulling him down as she lightly pecked him on the lips before saying lowly in a shy voice near his ear. '' I will miss you.'' Then she quickly runs away.

Zayn was so stunned yet so happy underneath that he couldn't calm down even after Nicole was gone. He finally calmed down and called someone,'' How is it going?''

A voice comes from the other end,'' Sir, I've searched. They aren't related to the Xia family. They are not mercenaries but seemed to receive training differently. You have survived because you are an expert in the field but a normal martial arts practitioner would have easily died by now. There were a few foreigners among them too and they have barely left any clues to us.''

'' Keep searching. I want the information before a week.'' Zayn said coldly. He can't be careless and let something like that happen again.

'' Yes, sir.''

Zayn hanged up and looked at the military entrance longingly before leaving. 

He set off to his brother's place.

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