Additional Chapter 175: Arthur Anthony 14.

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Knock knock

" Come in." A charming voice replied.

Arthur opened the door. Nicole looked up from her desk and smiled seeing her son. 

" Your here."

" Yes."

Grace followed by with Eliza. She was actually very nervous. Arthur was still alright but Nicole was someone out of reach for her. Whenever faced with her, she becomes a respectful, obedient and polite person. She was always afraid to make mistakes in front of Nicole. Therefore she was always nervous. Being able to see and talk to her was already something she never dared to wish for. She was subconsciously alert and conscious in front of Nicole. 

" Doctor Anthony."

" Hi, Grace. How are you? How is Eliza?"

" I am fine. Eliza is also okay for now. What about you?"

" I am always okay. Sit down. Arthur, can you please make coffee or tea for us? Ah. There must be milk in the fridge. Bring that for Eliza."

" Okay."

Grace felt awkward and embarrassed. It seems like Nicole knew about everything and she wasn't sure how Nicole thinks about it. Even if she is a good person, she was a mother in the end. Every mother wants the best for their child. 

She was currently divorced, single mother, jobless, runaway and many more. Now that she thinks about it, there was not a single good thing about her. She was sure Nicole must not like her for her son.

Arthur went out to bring them snacks. Nicole saw how nervous Grace looked and she knew what she was thinking. 

She smiled and said.

" Relax. I am not gonna beat you or something."

" Ah yes. Sorry."

" I can guess you thought. Don't worry. It's true I thought it would be better if Arthur didn't fall for you... "

Grace's heartbeat quickened. She was scared. Nicole looked at her and continued.

" However, that was only because I thought you were married or probably already had someone in your life. I was sad because of that but then Arthur told me that you are single. Then I had no objection against anything."

Grace was shocked and confused. She looked at Nicole cautiously.

" I don't understand... "

" I am saying I have nothing against at all. Whatever happens in the future, you left a good impression on me."

Grace was stunned. She wondered if Nicole indirectly meant that she accepts her as a candidate for daughter in law.

" But you must've known that I am divorced, single mother, a runway and even jobless. Do you really still... "

Nicole stopped her from continuing.

" I know about everything. There is nothing wrong with being divorced. As they say, who doesn't meet a jerk or two in life? As for being a single mother, I have no problem and neither any discrimination against that. let me tell you. In this world, they do say that blood is thicker than water. But believe me, I have seen many cases where water is far more thicker than blood or anything else. Are you getting what I am saying?"

" ...Yeah."

" In my whole career as a doctor, I have seen many amazing things. Some sad and some beautiful. I have seen and treated so many patients that I cant count. However, there was only one that is absolutely unforgettable for me. After I got married to Zayn, I usually didn't work at a specific place. I worked wherever I found a patient who really needs me. One day, my husband dropped me at the city's hospital for work. As we were walking there, someone suddenly grabbed me tightly. The bodyguards become alert and took out their guns. My position as Zayn's wife and doctor caused a lot of dangers. Before anything could go wrong, I stopped them because I heard that woman's desperate plea."

" She was not afraid of the tens of guns pointing at her and courageously approached me knowing my identity all too well. Because she was a mother. As we are both also mothers, I think you understand what it means. Her daughter had heart disease. She wanted me to treat her. However, her heart disease could only be cured by heart transplantation. Her daughter was in her early teens and I really wanted to help her. But looked like the luck wasn't with her. Unfortunately, that innocent child died. At their last moment, I was there. She couldn't talk but still in her last breath, she said to her mother ' Thank you, Mama. I loved you.' I was really touched and sad. It is a doctors defeat to lose a patient. I still never lost any patients but in such conditions, I am also helpless. I am not a god after all." 

" The mother fell sick after losing her daughter. After a year or 2, she died. I coincidently heard about that and went to her funeral. What I heard there shook me up. They said that this woman had no family members. Her kind neighbours held her funeral. And... Her daughter was not related to her by blood. That really shocked me. I didn't know why but I looked into her. She adopted her daughter when she was very young. It wasn't like she was unable to have children. I heard that she met the child coincidently and fell for her. She was unmarried, unemployed and poor. But all her life, she worked very hard only for her daughter. Seeing that woman made me really want to become a mother. Someone said that becoming a mother is losing. It's true because a mother is never afraid to lose anything except her child. Soon after I got pregnant with Arthur. That was the moment when I actually understand what it meant to be a mother. A mother has no pride and ego. All she has was love for her child. No matter how tired they are, they are still the happiest person in the world as they prepare meals for their children." 

Grace was touched deeply by what she heard.

" What I wanted to say was Arthur will love your daughter regardless of whether she is even your blood or not. You being jobless doesn't matter. A woman doesn't need to work anyway. We only work because we want. Moreover, just because you are jobless doesn't mean you are useless. You are a doctor. That's the greatest profession. As for you being a runaway, youngsters often made mistakes. And you know what, a lost bird always finds its way back home."

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