Chapter 5: Attacked.

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That person was covered in black cloth as he strode in silently. Zayn was a very light sleeper but since his brother woke, he relaxed and slept more peacefully now. However, when he detected someone coming, he opens his eyes as he was used to be alert. Zayn thought it maybe heath care provider or someone as he swept his gaze over lazily but didn't expect to see someone suspicious. As he saw that person was seemingly not here with good intentions, he silently took out his gun and pressed some button on his closed phone. 

He saw that person going near his brother but he doesn't seem to have any weapon. Then Zayn saw that person wearing gloves as his hand move towards the mask his brother was wearing. Zayn quit his pretense and got up as he pointed his gun towards that person. 

Zayn was just going to ask where you come from, however, his gun was suddenly taken from his hand and was pointed towards him. Zayn paused as he glared at the person calmly. As expected, he is not a normal assassin. He looks like an A rank. Maybe they thought my brother was still in coma and send an A rank assassin to deal with him, But now he is awake'

' BANG' 

The assassin was shot, as he slowly fell to the ground in his last breath. Zayn looked at his brother and smiled as he said,'' Your marksmanship is still so good after so many years brother''

Alex smiled bitterly,'' What good is it. It was meant to hit his brain but I hit his heart.'' Zain said,'' Once you recover your strength, you will be back to normal.'' Alex laughed. 

Zayn called someone as he said on the phone,'' There was only one person. Clean the mess and investigate who sent him.'' Then he hung up. Then they have their breakfast. After breakfast, some people in the black suit come. Zayn meet them and gave instructions. Alex asked him who they were when Zayn said.

'' I have assigned some bodyguards for you, brother, as I have to go for some work. I will be back before dinner.''

'' Okay then, be careful. If you need help with any documents, tell me.''

'' Ok, I will tell you. Goodbye''

'' Bye''

Then Zayn drove away in his car. He arrived at the secret base. He parked his car as he strode in. A man was standing there to receive him. When that man saw that it was Zayn, he quickly strode towards Zayn as he said,'' Boss, they are all waiting for you in the meeting room. 

Zayn entered the meeting room. Everyone got up as they greeted him,'' Boss''

 Zayn said,'' Hmm, sit down.''

 The meeting started. Zayn informed them that they need to strengthen themselves and find more capable people. If they keep up like before, They will sooner or later be defeated by someone. ' In his previous life, they were very weak and they have a lot of spies in their group. Therefore, this time he needs to secretly dispose of the spies and become stronger.

The meeting ended. They left the room. Afterward, Zayn called the most trusted people that he brought from America and some of the long time seniors of the organization to the room for secret meetings. He instructed them that there are spies in the group and they contain 35% of people in the organization. He also instructed them to take action only after they are sure about who is spies. As they should value their trusted people, and actions against spies should be taken secretly. Then the meeting concluded.

Zayn left the secret base. As he was going to drive out of his car, a message pop out on his phone. He looked at his phone as his gaze swept towards the date. He started on the date for some time, then suddenly, he smiled evilly. He opened the message. There was information about the women who started the fire years ago. The sender asked if he should kidnap her and bring her to the base to start the interrogation. 

Zayn called that person. '' Hello ''

'' Yes, Boss.'' 

'' Kill her directly''

'' What?? but we have to interrogate her to know abo..''

'' No need. She has useless information that we already knew about. And yeah! Make sure the cause of her death is burning.''

'' Ye...Yes sir.''

'' Bring an imposter back with you. No one other than me should know the real one died. Did you understand?'' Zayn asked in a threatening tone.

'' Understood sir!!''

Then Zayn hung up.' It seems the day I died is near. This time I won't die and neither will my brother. Ha! It's gonna be interesting now.' Then he drove off.

Zayn brought groceries from the market and drove to the hotel room and made Almond and cranberry poha [flattened rice] and lamp and chargrilled bell paper soup for his brother. Then he brought them to the hospital.

Zayn opened the door. He saw Alex looking at his phone. When Alex heard some voice, he looked towards the door. When he saw it was Zayn, he smiled and said,'' You're back''

'' Yeah. I brought some healthy food for us.''

'' Fresh up then.  We will eat together.''

'' Ok''

They asked the hospital staff for utensils and then started eating. Alex drinks the soup and then, he looked up and asked,'' Hey, it's delicious. Which dish is it? I have never eaten it before.''

'' They are Indian dishes. When I went to India for a business trip, I learned it.''

''It's an Indian dish? It's good. Oh! Wait?!! you made it?''

'' Yeah. I yearned cooking when I was studying''

Alex patted Zayn's head and said,'' You've grown up. It's delicious.'' 

Zayn smiled as he said,'' Once you recover completely and we move back, I will make delicious dishes for you.'' 

'' Hmm.''

They eat their dinner and then it was time to sleep. Alex said to Zayn,'' You should go to the hotel to sleep. I am alright so you don't need to stay here. You have to work so you must get good sleep.''

'' Brother, since you've woken up, I slept most peacefully than ever. Don't worry, I am very comfortable.''

'' Alright then. Goodnight.''

'' Goodnight.''

Alex was asleep then but he couldn't fall asleep as many things were going on in his mind. Today, what happened kept troubling him. That Assasin who come here probably didn't know his brother has woken up because his brother was famous for his skills in martial arts from a young age. Even if he had just woken up from a coma, his brother cannot be underestimated. Therefore, whoever sends this assassin didn't know brother was awake.

And it was also true that if he wasn't there, there could have been more severe consequences. After all, no matter how strong his brother was, he just woke up from a coma and barely had the strength of a woman. 

He was really scared of thinking of that possibility but if it was true, then he swears he won't let this person go who may very well have killed his brother in the previous life.

Yes, it means that his brother didn't die naturally in his previous life but was murdered while he was there in America being a scary-cat who was too scared to face the reality and left his brother all alone in this situation. 

That night, Zayn hardly slept for an hour before the sunrise. He was filled with regret and guilt but he knew now wasn't the time to cry about the past life.

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