Chapter 2: Avenge every single drop of your Blood.

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In a nightmare he could never escape from, he recalled how dark the darkness was that even a flaming fire couldn't make it any brighter.

Zayn saw that there was fire everywhere. A young boy 'Alex' and a young girl 'Robin' were protecting him. Inhaling the smoke caused by the fire was causing his vision to become blurry. That place was on fire and burning quickly. 

Zayn heard Robin saying to him,'' You have to live on no matter what, it's a promise.'' Then Robin glanced at Alex and gave a sweet smile towards them before pushing them away. A large part of fire falls on her as she was saying,'' go on.'' Tears falling from the corner of her eyes.

 Alex's tears fall down as well as his. They run towards the exit and saw that there were some armed people guarding the place. They were most likely the people send to make sure that no one is remained alive.

Alex was injured as his back was burnt badly however it was not enough to lose his consciousness yet and Zayn's legs were also burnt a little.

Alex grabbed Zayn's hand and quickly hide in the trees. He then made a phone call and said something like'' Bring people, call an ambulance'' and something. The call ended. The phone fell out of Alex's hand. Alex was ghastly pale from his injuries. 

'' Zayn, remember this, never be deceived by strangers out of the kindness of your heart. This world is too cruel that they didn't even spare humanity. You have to be crueller if you want to survive in this world. So protect yourself. You have to leave on no matter what, don't forget you promised Robin.'' Zayn nodded his head as tears were streaming out of his eyes.

They heard the sound of ambulance and cars. Alex's eyes relaxed a little as he lost his consciousness. While Zayn was taken to the ambulance, Alex was taken into a van. Thereafter, Zayn was injected with meds and fall asleep.

When Zayn woke up, he found himself in a hospital. It was very familiar. It was that hospital where Zayn was admitted because of the fire in the past. The things and people were exactly the same as then.

'What's going on? Am I dreaming of the past?! I don't want to dream it again! Not again!

After a long time of being in a daze and lost, he finally comes to a conclusion.

And suddenly, he smiled evilly.' Whether it's a dream or not doesn't matter. Whether I am reborn or not doesn't matter. All that matters is that I am back in the past. As long as I am here, I swore this time, I will redeem all my mistakes and leave no regret. I will live. I will destroy the world and Avenge every single drop of your blood. I will not let you die neither will I die this time, Brother Alex.'


Zayn left for America a few years ago. He started a business of his own called 'ZAR corporation'. He was very capable and opened a branch in his country. Zayn is now considered a powerful man in the business industry who people feared a lot. Zayn was simply ruthless and doesn't leave his enemy any chance to retaliate. '' The best revenge is massive success'' Zayn has this motto in life, he belive that through his success, he can fight the enemy easily. However, despite great success, Zayn was only 20 years old. At the time of the incident, he was only 5 years old.

Zayn didn't want to repeat the same mistake he did in his previous life. He lost Alex and Robin. they wanted him to live the most, but in the end, he died miserably. Zayn was mad for revenge and that lead him to his death. This time, however, he will take revenge without harming himself. 

Zayn entered the flight. His plane landed after 8 hours. He booked a hotel room to stay in. After resting that day, he took a bath and wore grey lenses. Then he took out his Audi R8 which was delivered from America to his country. 

He arrived at the first hospital. He then strode towards the VVIP floor. After that, he entered room no.5. Alex was lying on the bed with tubes and syringes all over. Zayn clearly remembered that this was the time when Alex died in his past life. In these few days, Alex suddenly died, leaving him all alone. He felt that he lost everything he had. He felt he lost the meaning of his life. For whom he lived, they all left him. Therefore, Zayn made revenge his one and the only reason to live. He made revenge his meaning of life.

In the previous life, After a week since Alex died, Zayn was attacked and barely survived. That was the time when Zayn felt like he had gone mad and lost his life as well. This time he comes prepared and won't let others hurt him. After staying there for some time, he left the hospital. 

Getting inside his car, he drove towards the base where he died in his previous life. When he arrived there, someone was standing outside to receive him. 

Zayn opened the gate and got out. Sera come forward and said,'' Boss, your welcome.'' Zayn looked at her coldly, then tossed his car keys to her as he said,'' Park the car.''

Usually, it's the velvets job. The velvet was also there but Zayn specifically told her. Embarrassed and scared, Sera quietly parked the car.

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