Chapter 115: You Were A Gift From God!

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Tears fell from Emma's eyes as she talked about the past events. Even Arlo was crying silently. He blames himself for everything his wife and daughter had gone through. He felt such a failure not being able to protect his own family while he protected the country. He felt ashamed of his being.

" That's the movement I realized. A blessing and gift from God are not that easy to come. Your father was a blessing to me and you were a gift from God, but behind these were the prices we had to pay. However, it was all worth it now that we are together. Now that you are back!"

Tears fell from Lisa's eyes hearing Emma's words. She went towards Arlo and tugged at his sleeves while sniffling. Arlo embraced her as he couldn't control himself and apologized continuously. 

Until a movement ago, Lisa was so scared of him and despised him so much that she would stand near him but as soon as she knew the truth, she felt all those memories that she was subconsciously trying to forget come back and her love for her father also comes back. She was their little princess and was spoiled endlessly by both of them. She also loved them equally but usually, her father was not at home so the one who stopped her from doing wrong things and eating too many chocolates was always her mother. Therefore, whenever her father came home, she would sit with him for hours complaining about her mother who always stopped her.

 There is a saying that between the parents, one of them usually need to be the devil while the other one stayed as an angel. Usually, for daughters, their mother would be the devil while for sons, their father. After all, it is no secret that most of the daughters are closer to the father and sons to their mother. Their case was something just like that but deep inside, Lisa loved her mother more than anyone could imagine.

" I am sorry! I am really sorry! Father was the reason you had to go through this all. Damn! I don't even know what you went through. It was all because of me. I am the one to blame. I am sorry that you had such a failure as your father. You deserved... "

Arlo wanted to say that ' you deserved better' but Lisa put her hand on his mouth and stopped his words. 

" Don't say that anymore! I don't care about the past so forget it. Look further at the future. I am back and I have a family. We are still alive and fine. Nothing is lost. We still have lots of time. We still have a lot of things we have missed around. Let's just forget the past and live the future, Alright?!"

Lisa wiped the tears at the corner of his eyes and looked at him tenderly while her own eyes were red and filled with tears. Arlo finally smiled and nodded as he patted her head. 

" Ok!"

Before going back, Arlo asked Lisa if she wanted to do anything to Dane and that woman and Lisa replied.

" Let them go."

" What?!" Emma and Arlo asked in shock while Alex didn't react. He knew Lisa more than anyone else. It was always her style to destroy their enemy from their roots. A cold glint flashed through Lisa's eyes as she said.

" Leave them with nothing at all. Keep an eye on them and don't let them get help from anyone. Let them live miserably. Let them be the witnesses to our success. To our happiness. Show them who they offended and where they stand. Show them the difference between what had become of them and what had become of us. Let them live in this endless agony."

Hearing her cold words, Emma and Arlo didn't feel she was cold and heartless at all. Instead, Arlo felt proud of her coldness. She obviously got that coldness from him. That was something that can never be their weakness. Instead, this coldness would always stand up in front of their enemy and help them to keep safe.

When they sat down in the car, Lisa properly introduced Alex to them and told them everything that happened after they met except leaving the part of him being the Crown Prince of Alencica and her being in the underworld. She also told him about how he had been in a coma for years because of a certain accident.

Hearing that, Emma and Arlo trusted Alex and felt glad that Lisa met someone like this as soon as she was separated from them. 

Suddenly, Arlo spoke.

" Alex Walker... This name and your face are very familiar. Where have I seen you before? I think I met you a long time ago. Even before I met you at that ball party and before you become famous in Alencica, I have met you somewhere. I feel like I am overlooking something very big... "

Arlo contemplated as he kept thinking about it. Lisa's heartbeat skipped when she heard him. She knew her father must have met Alex when he was still the Crown Prince of Alencica. She knew nothing bad would come out of him finding out the truth but she knew Alex abandoned that identity of his. He felt that he wasn't capable of that label. A Crown Prince that was not even able to save his only sister! What kind was Crown Prince is that?! How can he even call himself the Crown Prince of Alencica let alone a King?!

However, Arlo couldn't remember where he saw Alex. Alex stayed completely silent. As they were talking, they arranged a meeting between their families. After Violet started spending time with Zayn, she got close to Alex and Lisa too. She honestly started liking these children. She knew they didn't have parents so she always treated them as her own. So now, she was the only elder they could call as a family. She would probably herself come to the meeting representing Alex's family.

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