Chapter 95: The Operation Was Successful...

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Nicolo finally got her senses back. She was shocked but her mind cleared. What is the use of becoming a door when she couldn't even save her own mother!

'' Yeah, Yeah! I need to go!''

Nicolo quickly strode inside. However, the other doctors stopped her and said that only the doctors are allowed to come here. Nicolo felt furious. She wanted to call someone but found that she forgot her phone at home. Just when she frustratedly wanted to smash something, a fair hand passed her a phone.

Nicolo saw that it was Zayn. She calmed down a little as she quickly took his phone and called someone. She just said that she wanted to do the operation on theatre number XX and hung up.

In less than 10 minutes, the director comes rushing. He looked anxious. He was also sweating a little.

Nicolo looked up at him coldly. She was really furious. Her mother was in the operation theatre and here they were wasting time.

The director felt a shiver on his spine. He stuttered as he spoke.

'' M-Miss Nicolo! I am so sorry that you had to wait. Please ignore this and continue the surgery.''

Then the director coldly looked at the staff who were blocking Nicolo and said.

'' Get lost!''

The staff were scared as they quickly made way for her. Nicolo quickly strode in and after sanitizing herself, she wore the surgical gown, gloves, cap and mask. Then she went inside the operating theatre. 

The head surgeon was very famous and talented. He was one of the best surgent in the hospital. They were already informed that a very renowned doctor has asked to taken the charge of the surgery. So no one was allowed to oppose her when she comes in. 

Everyone thought a very respectful senior doctor was taking over the surgery but when Nicolo entered, they were all shocked. First and for all, she was too young. And second, she was too beautiful. Even though her face was mostly hidden behind the mask, it couldn't hide her beauty. She was one of the most beautiful Doctor they had ever seen.

But then everyone started to worry because they knew a lot of great doctors in their country but Nicolo was not one of them. Even if they knew her, it would be as a Military researcher who made a great achievement.  

However, no one dared to say anything as the director has already warned them. The situation was very tense at the movement. The head sergeant was a senior and he was slightly angry that the director suddenly did this and moreover, he also told him, one of the best head surgeon to accompany someone else who looked so young and incapable and was junior to him.

He would have left but he only stayed because he was worried about the patient. If this doctor messed up, then who would be responsible. He also didn't want a patient to lose their life.

When Nicolo comes in, the first thing she saw was her mother. When she saw the blood and oxygen attached to her mother's body, Nicolo was devasted. She couldn't think straight. Her body trembled slightly but she quickly shakes her head to calm down and focus on the surgery. She didn't pay attention to any other people in the operation theatre. 

She strode towards Violet and arrived at the head sergeants position. Everyone had already changed their places as they waited for her.

After Nicolo took the medical instruments from the other doctors, her hands trembled. She clenched her hands and took a deep breath. After she calmed down slightly, she started the operation.

When the other doctors and nurses saw Nicolo's hands shook, they were worried. They thought that she was just a new inexperienced doctor who used her connections to take over a difficult surgery to show off. The previous head sergeant also felt angry at the director for playing with the patients life. However, after the surgery started, they were dumbfounded. 

They could swear on their life that they had not seen such a perfect and successful surgery in their life. It almost felt like a miracle.

Finally, the surgery finished after 3 hours. The other staff members did the rest as Nicolo and some other doctors went out. At that movement, Nicolo felt dizzy. She was drenched in sweat. For the first time in her life, Nicolo was drenched in sweat while doing surgery. 

Even the most difficult Surgeries are easy for her and that's the reason why people said she snatches life from the hand's pg the grim reaper. Yet now, she was drenched in sweat. The surgery wasn't difficult but because it was her mother, she was too scared to even breathe.

Now, every single person in the operation theatre looked at Nicolo with admiring and wondering gazes. They didn't know that the patient they had done the surgery upon was her mother. They also noticed that she sweated a lot but they thought that it was normal and she looked like a newbie, however, they didn't know that it was not normal for Nicolo to sweat and that she was not a newbie.

When they got out, Nicolo saw Zayn, Alex and Lisa worriedly waiting there. As soon as Zayn saw her, he quickly strode towards her. The other doctor noticed that Nicolo wasn't speaking so he said.

'' The Operation was successful... ''

However, he didn't get to finish as Nicolo fainted. Zayn had already realized her condition. Therefore, he grabbed her. All the other doctors were stunned while Zayn picked her up and took her to another ward.

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