Chapter 151: Such Legends May Never Be Born Again!

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Soon, the time of Lisa's delivery came. As it was going to be the king's child, her delivery was done in utmost secrecy. Well, there was no rule in Alencica that stated that the king's children are the only ones to inherit the throne or that only a son should inherit the throne. Whether it's son or daughter, as long as they are capable enough, any one of them could become the king or queen.
Such a situation never arose before as the royal family had a single child for generations. However, even though they had more than one child in the royal family, it didn't matter cuz they had so much love in between them.

At that time, they were sleeping side by side. It was 3:30 in the morning. Lisa was in deep sleep. Suddenly, she woke up as her water broke. Alex was still beside her but he was sleeping. Lisa hurriedly shook him up as it was getting harder for her.

Alex woke up instantly when he heard her crying. When he realized what was going on, the colour drained from his face. Seeing her in so much pain, he felt bad. He was wide awake and alert now. Quickly, he got up from the bed and picked Lisa up.

Everyone in the castle was alert these days because they knew Lisa would be delivering soon.
Hearing the commotion made by the guards and servants who were at the night duty, Zayn and Lee woke up as they were light sleepers.

They instantly come out as they were worried. When they saw Alex carrying Lisa into the elevator, Zayn ran down the stairs as he told Lee.

" Bhai Lee, please wake up Nicole and Didi! I will help a Bhai and drive them to the hospital."

" Alright!" Lee ran back to his room while Zayn ran downstairs. He took the key to the car Alex specially brought for this time. He also grabbed two long coats. After wearing one himself, he went out and opened the car door for Alex.

Alex hurriedly yet carefully put Lisa inside the car before climbing up. Zayn closed the door and sat at the driver's seat. That he sped off.

While in the castle, as Lee wake up Robin, she was surprised to know that but then she also quickly hurried got off the bed. As Lee was a man, he thought it would be better to let Robin wake up Nicole. Robin went to wake up Nicole without changing her clothes or washing her face as they were short on time. Nicole was also in a deep sleep. She was wearing her nightdress which was quite revealing. It would have embarrassed her if Lee woke her up. Moreover, there were also obvious hickeys on her exposed skin. Yesterday, Nicole also had a 6 hours surgery. She was really tired but she was getting used to it.
As Robin shook her gently and called her, Nicole thought it was Zayn and smiled in her sleep as she said.
" Zayn, let me sleep. Because of you, I couldn't sleep early. Now you're waking me up so early!"
Robin was stunned after hearing what Nicole said. When she realised what she said, she had quite a hard time controlling her laughter. But then it wasn't the time to laugh so she quickly wakes her up.
Nicole opened her eyes as she looked annoyed. She thought it was Zayn but when she saw Robin, she opened her eyes wide. Her mind instantly cleared up and she realized what she had just said.
She was so embarrassed that her face was as red as a tomato. Robin wanted to tease her but then again, it wasn't the time for that. Therefore, Robin quickly told Nicole about the situation.
" Sister Lisa's water broke. Alex and Zayn had rushed towards the hospital. Let's go quickly!"

As soon as Nicole heard that, her embarrassed expression was gone. She quickly got up. After washing her face and changing her clothes, they quickly rushed up to the hospital. As they were in the sports car and they had no patient, they reached the hospital just after ten minutes. As soon as they entered the hospital, everyone greeted Nicole.

Nicole still worked for the military but she also helped common people and always does the riskiest operation. It was her record that none of her surgeries ever failed. Rather, they succeeded amazingly.

Now, she was in all the top medical magazines in the world. All the people studying medicines were inspired by her. Many patients she saved would do anything for her. Now, she was a really great person. Many people from all around the world have said that maybe this will be the only generation of Alencica who will be as great as this. They said that these particular people like Alex, Lisa, Zayn, Nicole, Robin and Lee will write down the history. They also said that such legends may never be born again.

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