Chapter 7: Who Doesn't Love Their Life!

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In office____

' Knock, Knock.' someone knocked at the door.

'' Come in,'' Zayn said.

Lisa entered. She looked at Zayn and said,'' Boss, what do you want me to do?''

Zayn got up from his chair and strode towards the sofa as he sat,'' You can sit down.''

'' Okay,' Lisa said.

Lisa sat down as she waited for Zayn to talk.

'' Sister Lisa, You are one of the closest friends of my brother so I would sincerely wish that you take care of your life. Though I know that this job itself risks our lives, still we can be cautious and alert about our own life.'' 

Lisa was shocked to hear this from Zayn as she asked dumbfoundedly,'' What do you mean?'' 

'' I heard from your subordinates that you are to care less about your own life and that you almost lost your life in many missions. I even heard that once you got injured to the point that if you were a second late to the hospital, you would've died.''

Lisa was stunned. The first time she saw Zayn was when he was a little kid whose world revolves around his brother. He wouldn't do anything without his brother. At that time, he was a very cute little boy running after his elder siblings. He was the spoiled little prince of his house.

Seeing him so mature and grown-up, Lisa couldn't help but think just how handsome his brother would've been if he was alive. 

As this thought come into her mind, an unbearable sorrow flashed into her eyes that she almost couldn't hide. She quickly composed herself as she said.

'' They are just blabbering, after all, who doesn't love their life!'' There was bitterness in her tone as she said that.

'' Okay then, I will believe in you.''

'' Then I will take my leave.''

'' Yeah.''

Lisa left the room.

Zayn worked till 6 PM before getting out of the base. However, as soon as he drove a little farther from the base, a gunshot was heard. Someone shot towards Zayn.

Zayn somehow dogged it. However, the glass of the car on his right side was broken. As it was a little away from Zayn, he didn't get hurt. There seem to be more people out there following him in a car. They attacked him. The cleverness of them. If they strode indirectly, they would surely get killed as it was his zone. However, they waited until he got away from the secret base to attack.

Zayn picks up his speed as he took out a gun from his car. He glanced at the side mirror and saw a car on the left side. He opened his car window and set his car on automatic mode. Then, from the widow, he shot coolly to their cars tier.

' BOOM' was heard. The car left the ground and flew curve in the sky before falling back to the ground with a ' THUPH'

However, after that, 5 people on the bike started chasing him. He drove at full speed as the bikes chase him at full speed. He shot towards them from the car window and took down 2 of them. However, the remaining 3 were quite experienced and were not easy to defeat.

Zayn saw that there was a seaside ahead which was in the military area. He drove towards there. They followed him as he shot the tier of another bike. Now there were only 2 of them left. In the end, they reached the shore. He couldn't drive further. Therefore, the 2 people got near him. They shot at him. His left side window broke as it cut his shoulder. The wound was not life-threatening but it was deep.

Zayn clutched his right palm on his shoulder. Blood flow out from his hand and drenched his sleeves. He gritted his teeth as he endured the pain.

Zayn left his shoulder and grabbed his gun. He looked at the people from the side mirror. He saw them approaching and shot them.

Finally, they were beaten. However, Zayn's condition was not too good. He was bleeding severely. He was not in the condition to drive the car. He couldn't contact his people as his phone was broken in this ruckus.

Zayn took out his tie and tie it around his wound tightly. Then he got out of the car. He looked around the place to see if he can get somebody's phone or do something about it.

However, it was a military area. So it wasn't that safe to strode around covered in blood. He saw a simple and beautiful ship near the shore. It was the only one there and it looked somewhat like a house. It didn't seem dangerous somehow even though it was in the Military area. 

Zayn thought it was the best and safest place for him to go now. Therefore, he strode towards there. His eyes kept getting blurry but he safely got there. 

The ship truly looked like a house. The deck was decorated beautifully. There were 3 fishing rods hang in there.

Zayn quickly got inside the ship. There were a living room and a kitchen. Zayn searched the drawers in the living room. There were some daily necessities things, In the last drawer, he saw some pills but they were not useful to him.

What Zayn needed now the most was a bandage. He saw a door which was in the middle of the living room and the kitchen. He strode there.

Zayn opened the door. There was a room inside. It looked like someone's bedroom. He searched the dressing table and bedside table. He didn't find anything. He saw the coffee table and searched for it. Fortunately, he found some useful first aid. 

Zayn took them into the bathroom. He sterilized his wound and then he wrapped the bandage around his wound. He gritted his teeth in pain. 

Zayn took out his blazer and shirt as they were drenched in blood. Then he took the towel from the stand and wet it. He wiped the blood around his body and it felt dirty to him. 

He came out of the bathroom without his top. His wound was painting too much as he felt he could knock out anytime soon. 

Zayn took a painkiller. He felt very sleepy and drained out as he sat down on the bed. Though his wound was not very serious, he lost a good amount of his blood. He felt weak as the fatigue took over him but he kept his conscious and looked around to see if there is a phone to contact his people.

However, there was nothing he can use to contact them. Zayn felt that he would lose his consciousness at any time now. In the end, he lay down on the bed and fell asleep.


Zayn was asleep wrapped under the blanket. The ship started moving suddenly. A thin figure in the military uniform opened the main door.

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