Additional Chapter 161: Previous Life...

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What happened in their previous life when Alex died in a coma. Zayn died for revenge and Robin... 

In America, people shunned him, insulted him, laid traps for him, put piercing thorns on his way, tortured him, hurt him, they did everything they could to defeat him. However, all this time Zayn only survived stubbornly for his revenge. 

He went to America with lifelong injuries and came back after losing himself. From the looks of it, he was living a luxurious comfortable life but only he knew, he had no one to call family or friends. He had no place to go home. His so-called home was the place where they were betrayed. He lived to kill and nothing else. 

At one point, he was just willing to massacre the world if only that would lessen his pain. If only that would numb his heart from those memories. Until now, he couldn't define the meaning of life in his world. All that he saw in it was pain, hurt and even the love was just meant to be a pain in the end. 

He sometimes wondered why he is alive? For what is he not dead yet? Why did he only survive? Why was he saved just to live in hell? Just to live in pain! Aimlessly he just roamed around the world. Not ever losing his part because nothing could make him forget his pain. Alcohol and such would just enhance the hidden pain to the surface.

Desperately he lived every day. Impatient, he went back to Alencica. He thought he was looking after everything but he was overlooking the betrayals because he got so harsh that no others mattered anymore. 

Mercilessly, unjustly, painfully, regretfully, he took his last breath. He felt like he would get the hell in both the human world and the afterlife. 

Just a single but most torturously painful teardrop fell from his eye right before he took his last breath.

' So this is life... Pain, torture, death, betrayal... It was all just that. He thought there was something else. That love does prevail over the others but man he was wrong. Someone said that 

" Life is to live. "

But he could never understand the meaning of these four words. He knew what each word meant but he could never get what they mean together. If he was asked to define life in one word, for him it would only be

" Pain... "

He died. Well, maybe that was better for him.


Robin just woke up. At first, Lee wanted to not talk about her brothers to her but she insisted and he gave in. As soon as she knew they have no news about them, she ran back to Alencica in a state she couldn't even walk.

Stumbling all the way, body thinner than ever with pale deadly skin, she reached the secret base only to hear the loud voices of gunshots and a mess. Bloodthirst in the air and blood on the ground. A person on his last breath informed her.

" B-Boss he went there. P-Please sa-save hi... " He pointed in a direction and fainted. Robin didn't know if Zayn was really the person but she ran. Her stumbling stopped but Lee was still by her side. He didn't want her to get hurt. She had an ace team behind her fully armed. 

She saw blood trails on the way. There were footsteps upon the blood. Seeing that blood on the ground which was stepped upon, she didn't know why but her heart was bleeding and her lifeline was quickly declining.

They reached a broken hall in the wall where the voices come from. The ace team rushed forward and took care of whoever was in the way. Trailing behind with her everything, when she reached the room and went further on the corner where the blood was spilled, it lead her to the profusely bleeding body of her one and only little brother. 

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