Chapter 160: The End...

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That's how the story of loving siblings end. It was a happy ending but no matter what, the tragedies and pain couldn't be forgotten. It would be remembered in history. They were really the legends born once in centuries.

Later, Zayn becomes the richest man in the world. His Corporation never stopped soaring higher. However, he wasn't able to do that alone. Alex always had his back and whenever he felt there was a better option, he would help Zayn. 

Nicole also never lost her enthusiasm for new inventions. She worked in the military and in the city's largest hospital. She would always look for better ways to improve. She got to meet the best doctor in the world and he genuinely thought her everything he knew. She really respected him and got to learn a lot more. She accepted him as her master and he even thought her the old ways of treatment that everyone just heard but never actually saw. She went to China to learn their medicines. She went all over the world learning different types of things. She learned psychics in dept from her mother who was the best in that. 

Violet become friends with Bates. He was already recovered. She didn't know how it was possible but later come to know through his friend who felt bad for him. After Violet avoided him, he felt so bad he wreaked havoc everywhere. After doing everything, he failed to even see her. When he gave up, he was like he lost his soul. He locked himself in a dungeon. For weeks, he just stayed in a dark and silent room all by himself. He hurt himself punching on the wall and almost lost his hands. Violet did love Nicole's father too much but when someone loves you more than anything, and when you know it, you are bound to feel good. 

Violet went to dinner with him once in a while but she still kept her life busy. She also kept a distance from him as she didn't want to give him false hope but if she can ever fall in love with him, she would not hide away from it. After recovering, Bates become really better person. He started working sincerely and stopped doing wrong things. He cared for her so much that she was reminded of Ryan, her late husband. He didn't chase her because he didn't want to lose her again. However, he took care of her so much that no one could ignore it. 

Nicole knew about it. One day, she told her mother to do whatever she wants and whatever makes her happy. She also told her that she and her father would be happy if she could actually love someone else too.

As for her son, Arthur turned out to be very gentlemanly and he was too loving. He loved Nicole too much and couldn't bear to see the slightest bit of harm to her. His hobby and playtime were that he did experiments with Nicole. Of course not dangerous ones. He was also very business-minded. They didn't know whether he would choose to take his father's business or the medical. However, he was the most genuine and simple kid. What was so impressive about him was despite being young, he was able to differentiate between right and wrong. He was also a great observer. Nothing could escape his eyes. Sometimes, seeing him acting intelligently, Nicole was reminded of her father. Maybe he would become a soldier. However, she didn't know this kind child of her would become the most dreadful secret agent in the world. Since young, he was so good at things and could learn so fast. No matter what disguise you gave him, he would probably play it out perfectly. However, he was a gentleman at heart.

Robin was still rocking the world upside down. After all, she was the daughter of Krystal. Her entertainment company, KL was bound to be at the top as the top artist or singer in the world was she herself. 

No matter how good a person's voice is, they could only reach some point. But if a person has more skills in making tunes than just voice, they may probably reach higher than that. Robin was really gifted for she had the most beautiful voice and unlimited talent for making the melody of the songs. 

However, since she opened the company, she didn't release the song frequently. Rather, she released it only once in 6 months or once in a year. She worked hard on those though. They were evergreen songs. She had no limit to her success.

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