Chapter 98: Resignation!

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'' So you have found your passion!''

'' Yes!''

'' So what are you going to do?'' Alex asked Lisa.

'' That's what I am thinking about. As you know, my face is already exposed and everyone knew that I am your partner. So these people will try to please me. I have to found a good script which only looks after the capabilities of an actor.''

Alex didn't say anything as he also didn't have a solution for this problem. Then Lisa spoke again.

'' Have you heard of Director Elvin?''

'' Yeah.''

'' He had previously made a film. As a newbie, he didn't have many investors so he hired all the newbie artists and it was a hit film. His scripts are also so unique that it seems fun to watch it.''

'' Yeah. You can try it. I think it would be good.''

'' Yeah!''

'' I wanted to talk to Zayn about my resignation but now this happened with Nicolo. I am worried about her. She doesn't have any other relative than her mother.''

'' Yes but Zayn will take care of it properly. We don't need to worry.''

'' Yes.''


Zayn took Nicolo to Violet's room. Nicolo sat on the chair beside her mother's bed. She worriedly held her mother's hand. Violet had Anemia. Nicolo didn't know that. She wasn't sure if her mother knew it before or not but if she hides it from her, Nicolo would be upset. 

As a doctor, if she can't even cure her mother, then who will she cure?

Nicolo was always not good at hiding her feelings. Especially when she couldn't bother to do so.

Zayn had gone out to take care of the other things. He had to make sure that Bates doesn't do anything else which will cause Violet harm. After some time, he comes back. He was worried about Nicolo. She didn't eat anything since the evening. 

He entered the room and went beside her. Nicolo didn't notice him until he hugged her shoulders. When Nicolo saw that it was Zayn, she didn't do anything as she let him hug her. 

Zayn also didn't speak to her because he knew she wasn't in a good condition. Nobody likes to talk when they are in a bad state of mind because they may say something that could hurt others. 

After some time, Zayn got a call. He went out. When he comes back, he saw that Nicolo fall asleep with her head resting on Violet's bed. Seeing that, he picked up a thin blanket from the hospital and put it over her. After looking at her for some time, he went out. It was almost 3 AM at that time. 

8 AM in the morning...

Violet finally opened her eyes. Her head was paining and she felt her body hurting as she moves. Her sight was not clear. When her sight cleared, she felt someone on the bed. When she looked down, she saw her daughter. Nicolo was still asleep but she was frowning in her sleep. Her expression was not peaceful but troubled.

Violet smiled seeing her daughter. She had that motherly smile that only a mother could have. Then she noticed someone laying on the sofa in the ward. When she looked clearly, she saw that it was Zayn. He was laying on the sofa. His legs couldn't fit on that small sofa as they were half out of the sofa. He put his hand over his eyes to cover them from the lights.

Zayn also didn't seem to have a good sleep. Violet recalled what happened and remembered that she had an argument with Bates. In the end, both of them left the hospital and she told her assistant to message Bates that she refused to cure him anymore.

Then she comes back homes. His words hit her hard as she locked herself in the bedroom. She felt that she was a little sick but thought that it wasn't that big of a deal. Then she won't know what happened. She just remembered that she was feeling very uncomfortable and pained until she fainted. 

Seeing herself in hospital, she thought that something had happened to her. It also seems like she had surgery. However, everything seems alright now. She saw Nicolo's phone on the bedside table. She opened it to see the time. 

Though there wasn't much noise, Zayn heard it and quickly looked at them. He thought that it was Nicolo but when he saw it was Violet, he was happy because as long as she is alright, Nicolo would be alright.

Actually, he wasn't sleeping. He couldn't sleep in such a condition and he already had a hard time sleeping. He had insomnia for a long time. It's just that since Nicolo came into his life, he could sleep better than before.

As he looked up, Violet also noticed him as he moved. She was shocked at that movement as she thought he was sleeping but then she smiled. Zayn quickly got up and asked Violet caringly.

'' How are you Auntie now? Let me go call the Doctor!''

Before Violet could reply, Zayn already went out. She felt helpless. Nicolo also woke up from the noises. The first thing she saw was her mother looking at her. At first, she was stunned. Then she hugged Violet and didn't say anything. 

Sometimes, you cannot speak but you can express your feelings through your action. Nicolo didn't know what to say neither did she have to energy to speak as she just hugged Violet. 

Just then, Zayn arrived with the doctors. The doctors saw Nicolo's incredible performance yesterday and respected her wholeheartedly. The one who comes was the head sergeant before Nicolo comes. Though he was a senior, he didn't felt ashamed being less capable than Nicolo instead he was happy that the new generations are such brimming talents. 

As an experienced doctor who had been in the industry for years, he could clearly tell that Nicolo did not cherish her talent and work on it. She had a lot and lots of space for improvement. If she was this good without giving it her all, how great could she be if she really gives it her all. He was just excited thinking about that.

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