Chapter 22: He swears on his life.

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Alex looked at Zayn then looked at the menu. Is it still his favourite ice cream? Does Zayn remember those memories?!

Alex called the waiter and said,'' 1 bowl of Brownie.'' The waiter went away after taking the order while Zayn was a little shocked that his brother ordered a brownie.  '' Bhai, you like chocolate Brownie?''

'' No, I've ordered it for you.''

'' But I don't like it.''

'' Why?''

'' No reason.''

Alex stared at Zayn, and after some time he suddenly said,'' You should let it go now.''

Zayn was shocked to hear that and then he said in a low voice. '' What do you mean?''

'' You know exactly what I mean.''

'' Then you should let it go first if you want me to.''

Alex was silent because he knew no matter what he would never be able to let go of the past. He didn't want to let go at all and he couldn't let go. Those memories were very precious to him. He doesn't care if he would die anytime. He just wanted to protect and fulfil Robins and also his last wish. However, he wanted Zayn to forget about it all and live carelessly. They have always been living carefully as members of the Royal Family. Therefore, he wished that at least Zayn would be free of those chains.

'' Okay then. If you don't like it then don't eat it.''

They eat their dinner normally. After that, they went back to the secret base then Alex said,'' Leave that matter to me. I will take care of it carefully.''

'' Okay.''

They parted ways as Zayn went to his office and worked till midnight before going home.

Meanwhile, Alex went inside and quickly checked up on Lisa. When he entered the room, he saw Lisa lying still on the bed as she tried to grab her iPhone on the side table. He quickly strode towards her as he helped her grab her phone. When Lisa noticed he was there, she said,'' Your back?!''

'' Yeah, Zayn came so I went out with him.''

'' Oh... ''

'' Do you need something?!''

'' No. When can I get discharged?''

'' At least a week but you're not permitted to work till one month. We will see about it after your wound heals properly.''

Lisa didn't retaliate to that as Alex was the big boss. Alex carefully helped Lisa to sit up as he carefully placed a pillow on her back. Then he went out and brought a bowl of porridge as he fed her spoon by spoon. When Lisa said she wanted to drink by herself, he totally ignored her. She couldn't do anything as he kept the spoon in front of her mouth until she drunk it. 

Lisa felt helpless around him. Since she saw him that night, she couldn't even think properly. Her thought was haywire. She couldn't think about anything else. She knew she loved him! She loved him since she first met him. He was her everything in her life. 

Just like this, it continued until the doctor allowed her to be discharged. She thought that Alex wouldn't do anything now that she was allowed to go back home. But before she knew it, her doorbell rang as soon as she stepped in and Alex was standing out there with a big suitcase in his hand.

Lisa was shocked as she asked him,'' What are you doing here?!''

Alex didn't say anything as he directly entered her apartment. Lisa truly felt helpless around him. Sometimes, he was just as stubborn as a child. 

Alex entered and sat down on the couch and then he said,'' Well, you are injured, so there is no way I am leaving you alone!''

Until she was hospitalized, Alex didn't leave her side for even 4 hours. He even worked in her room while watching her. She didn't know what to do about him.

Some weeks went by like this as Zayn went to work as usual.

Secret base..........


'' Come in.'' Alex's voice sounded from inside. Lisa entered and saw Alex working seriously.

Lisa entered and went towards Alex and said,'' Big boss, we have found some information regarding the attack on your brother.''

The words quickly caught the attention of Alex's mind as he immediately looked up seriously and asked who was it. Lisa replied,'' They are not from here. They seem foreigners and I suspect they haven't been in the mercenary market instead, they seem to be like personal guards trained in some ancient families. However, I found something fishy there so I would like you to take a look please.''

'' Ancient family? I don't think we have enmity between any ancient fam... '' While talking, Alex's expression suddenly becomes ugly as he didn't finish his sentence.

Alex took the documents as he read them carefully. However, his expression becomes terrifying at the end. Lisa saw this and asked him,'' What's wrong, big boss?''

'' I knew it! Ancient family?! There is only one who has so deep enmity between us. I was just not confirmed as there was some difference in style!''

'' Who is it, boss?!'' Lisa asked as she didn't understand who he was talking about but when Alex replied, her expression also changed.

'' Xie family... ''

'' Seriously... '' Lisa also felt furious. That family was the one who made Alex unconscious for years and these all tragedies...

When Alex thinks about the Xie family, his eyes turned extremely cold and ruthless that even Lisa shivered. Because of that family, it all happened. He wouldn't have lost Robin if not for them. The ruthlessness and craziness that appeared in his eyes were enough to make a grown man pee himself. After working with Alex, Lisa knew him very well but the cruelness and ruthlessness she saw in his eyes sent shivers down her spine. He suddenly looked very different from the one she knew. Like a sleeping lion who wakes up and is ready to slaughter anything that comes his way.

Alex lost his composure for some time but quickly regained it. The look of madness was quickly hidden and his gentle face was back but the coldness was still there in his eyes. He couldn't help it. Robin was his everything. He spends his childhood with that sweet yet arrogant little sister of his. He would have never hesitated to give his life for her but because of those stupid jerks she lost her life and he would never forgive a single soul involved in that incident. He swears on his life. 

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