We are doing what now?

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~(Episode 1: Pilot.)~

(Ash p.o.v)

I was awoken by my phone going off making me pick it up.
"This better be important cause if not imma shoot ya."
"Ash, it's Angela."
"Oh....what up then?"
"You gotta pick Zack up."
"Ok. Why?"
"Apparently we are working another case with that cute agent Booth."
"I thought Temperance said we were never working with him again?"
"Yeah well he showed up at the airport for her."
"I'll be ready in three."
I hung my phone up and rushed to get ready, which included ignoring breakfast. I got what I needed and grabbed my keys before heading off to Jack and Zacks place.

My name is Ashley London doesn't matter Harper and I used to be a private eye. After five guys wanting to pay me for sex and no vampires in Pennsylvania as well, I was offered a job by Temperance Brennan. Said she could use my knowledge on weapons for what she does. So I took it and now I'm here. Working the same job as Jack Hodgins while also being the weapons expert. What a fun world we live in, I suppose.

I pulled up to their place and made my way to Zacks part of the joint. I gave him a quick text that I was waiting for him once I got to his section, and I made sure my window was down so I could do what I have been wanting to do for so long. Soon I saw him walking towards me and moved so I was sitting where the window on my door was before giving the roof of my car two loud taps.
"Get in loser! We're solving murders!"
"What do you mean we're solving murders?" He asked as he got close.
"Get in and I'll explain on the way. We do gotta stop at home base to get some stuff and thangs for it." I told before getting back into my seat.
He soon joined and we both buckled in before I began to drive us to our destination. After we got half way there Zack spoke up.
"So what is happening?"
"Oh shit yeah I was meant to tell you that. So apparently Temperance got arrested at the airport."
"Why did she get arrested?"
"Knowing her. Probably had a skull in her bag. But I'm also suspecting it's cause of Seeley."
"Why do you suspect that?"
"So Angie called, hence me being here cause she said I gotta pick you up."
"Makes sense, since I don't drive."
"Which is fair cause these shits are dangerous. Anywho, Angie told me that he showed up so obviously he wants us to help him solve a case."
"But Dr.Brennan said we wouldn't be working with the fbi again, and we've been denying it from happening."
"Yeah, well he took it in his own hands. This is why we don't trust the boys in blue Zack-attack. They be sus."
"I think you need to stop spending the amount of time you do with Hodgins." He told making me chuckle.
"I was always paranoid before I met Jack."
"You have a phone now though. You didn't have one when we first met."
"I only have one cause of our job. I never had one for when I was a PI."
"I still find that confusing." He told as I pulled into the parking lot.
"Yeah so does everyone who find out about it. We are here though, so run in and get the things."
"Your not coming in with?"
"I can if you want."
"I don't mind either way, if you do or don't."
"Angie would probably want to see me quickly. Eh, fuck it." I told as I pulled into a parking space closest to the elevator.
We got out and made our way to where we needed to go. Zack went off to get what he needed while I went to Angies office to see she was painting away.
"What up cuz?"
"I thought you and Zack would have been at the scene by now."
"Well, it's cause Zack needed to pick up the things we needed before heading out. So how was the airport?"
"Well Brennan got the home land security down onto the ground and I got a few hits in as well."
"That's my girl."
"Before that though I had to flash one of the workers to find out if her plane had landed or not, since the board was broken. She caught me just as I did it and then the whole her getting arrested happened. Also Booth showing up so I made my way here and called you."
"Serious question. Was is like the black corset you got when we went shopping that one time or the nice blue lace looking one?"
"The pink corset."
"Oooo, classy." I told as we brushed our fingers together.
"I have what we need." Zack told at the door.
"Let's get this shit on the road then. See ya in a bit Angie."
"Be safe you two."
"Your no fun!" I exclaimed as we left.
We rushed back to my car and jumped in before heading to the location we had to go to. On the way there we got into one of our discussions.
"It has a nice ring to it dude."
"It does not."
"Bears. Beats. Battlestar Galactica."
"Ash that doesn't work."
"Your just saying that cause you know I'm right."
"For someone as smart as you, you sure act dumb." He told making me lightly slap his bicep.
"This Zack, is why I had friends in uni."
"I had friends in university."
"That weren't robots."
"They weren't robots."
"Sure buddy. What ever you say." I told as I pulled up at the crime scene.
We made our way to the van there with our things and began to set everything up.
"Do you think she punched him?" Zack asked
"Probably not. Definitely wants to. That's my prediction."
"20 dollars?" He asked
"Your so on Zack-attack." I told before we did our hand shake.
After a few more minutes we heard a voice we knew all too well.
"Hi Zack and Ashley."
"What up Doc." I told as we both smiled towards her.
"This eco-warrior look works for you." Zack told as we began to walk towards the lake.
"Very action-oriented." I added making Zack share the same smile as me. "Also have you punched Seeley?"
"No I haven't."
"Told you." I told as I gave a light slap across his chest.
"Agent booth, you remember my assistant, Zack Addy and our weapons expert Ashley Harper?" Temperance told making us get a bit of an annoyed look towards the agent.
"Oh, yeah."
"This is one of the many reasons why we don't like you Seeley." I told
"How was Guatemala?" Zack asked hoping to distract me long enough to not want to punch the agent.
"Dig up lots of massacre victims?" I added
"Learn a thing or two about machete strikes?"
"Zack, Ashley, I need water samples and temperature reading from the pond."
"On it Doc."
"Right away, Dr.Brennan." He told before we headed off to do just that.
"I think that went well."
"Ash, you can't punch him..... he will shoot us."
"It's fine. Will add to my leg one."
"It's not fine if you get shot."
"Beggars can't be choosers Zack-attack." I told making him shake his head towards me.
"Just start collecting water samples." He told making me smirk towards him.
"Of course your highness." I told before starting the job.

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