Day 0 - Forgotten at the bus stop

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Since he found his team, Tetsuya 2 as the light blue-eyed human named him (well, a friend of his but still, the blue-haired human was his favourite), was really happy. Of course they didn't always listen to him but still, it was a nice life, he had someone to play with. And of course, he always had a nice meal ready.

Unless the tall humans forgot him. Like now.

They had appointed him for their lucky charm or something, he didn't really get it (but yeah, he knew he was pretty lucky and brought only nice things to the humans around him).

Unfortunately, that meant he had to go with the fur-less humans to some weird, loud, big places.

This time though they were too slow and were going to be late (the pup had barked a few times at them to hurry but oh well, they never learn). So they had to rush. And so... They forgot Tetsuya 2 at the bus stop.

He rolled his eyes (he was a puppy but he was so fed up with the fur-less humans). It wasn't the first time they forgot him, it probably wasn't going to be the last.

Better find something to do then. The humans were going to take a while to come back and fetch him. Still, he knew they'll come back - he was their lucky charm after all, they couldn't go without him.

And so Tetsuya looked around, sniffing the air. Maybe there's an adventure just around the corner.

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Where stories live. Discover now