Day 96 - Disappointed

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The whole dog gang knew what was going on now. They had two humans on their side, one defending one of the younger pups, the other defending their leader. This seemed to give the dogs new fighting spirit and they got up as one, growling at the attackers.

Noticing this, the younger guys stopped, unsure of what to do while the older geezer continued yelling.

"Shut up!" Akashi yelled. "What have these animals done to you anyway?"

Noticing the branch in the boy's hands, the old man too lost his courage. "They bark all day and night around here. A person can't live normally in this neighbourhood anymore."

"This doesn't mean you should hurt the animals or throw stuff at them." Akashi looked to the purple puppy.

"Well... What else?" The guy's voice wavered.

"Call someone to deal with the animals. Or better, buy earplugs and shut up." Murasakibara nearly growled like a dog.

The guy started trembling now. Suddenly he lifted his head, called the younger guys back to him and promptly left the scene. Both Akashi and the dogs visibly relaxed. Meanwhile the taller boy just made a noise with his tongue and turned around, disappointed.

"I thought something interesting might happen for once." He said while crouching and picking up the still scared purple puppy.

Before Akashi could warn his ex team mate to not behave so carelessly, the reddish puppy next to him barked. But instead of anyone attacking the purple-head, the other dogs all started in the direction of their home street.

While Murasakibara was looking at and turning over the puppy in his hands (inspecting it for wounds or just looking at it, Akashi didn't know), his shorter friend walked closer, his puppy-to-be following him closely, looking at Murasakibara.

So far so good, Akashi thought.

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