Day 108 - Where are the puppies?

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"We should search for them!" Kagami nearly yelled in a panicky voice.

"Huh? Naah, this puppy always comes back, he is very clever." Murasakibara said slowly, seemingly more interested in his chocolate sticks.

"What? Are you crazy? What if something happened to them, or..." Kagami was cut off by Kuroko who appeared next to him.

"Don't worry Kagami-kun. I'm sure they're both fine."

"Besides, Aka-chin is with them. Probably." The tall boy added out of nowhere.

"Akashi? Why is he here?" Hyuga asked, looking around.

"He found Atsushi's puppy thanks to another puppy he wants. So they're already friends in a way." Tatsuya explained. "Besides, the puppy really is clever."

"More than his owner who still can't name it." Kagami mumbled.

"I at least know how to jump and not hit my head on the hoop." Murasakibara shrugged nonchalantly.

Kagami was about to respond when a question was asked and interrupted him.

"How was the game? Who won?" Akashi asked, striding slowly with three puppies behind him.

Little Tetsuya immediately saw and ran to his favourite human, jumping in his arms. Meanwhile the purple puppy walked to Murasakibara and jumped at his legs, making the boy pet him and give him a chocolate stick. Akashi rolled his eyes.

"I'm still not very sure that this is healthy." The pink-haired boy said. But Murasakibara didn't give any indication that he had heard his ex team mate.

"Is that your puppy then, Akashi?" Kagami asked, eyeing the reddish animal next to Akashi.

"Hopefully one day." The boy said with a gentle smile, confusing even more Seirin's ace. "Now tell me about your match, guys."

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