Day 154 - Another thank you

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"What...?" The boy began, confused until he saw his father in the hall. Akashi straightened up in his chair, wondering what the man was going to say.

"The dog is not yours officially and you already neglect it." The man said in a stern voice. Akashi swallowed, scared that now his father won't let him have the puppy. Not that the puppy wanted him either. Or did it?

Why was the pup here?

But suddenly the man gave a little smile. "I won't say anything this time because you won your basketball tournament. Be careful next time though." And with that the man closed Akashi's room door, leaving the boy and puppy alone.

The former didn't want to raise his hopes but seeing the animal sat before him with something of a smile, a tongue out and a waving tail kind of raised his hopes anyway.

"Why are you here? Did my father let you in?" Akashi asked the pup. The animal nodded, probably answering the second question since it couldn't really answer the first one.

Akashi nodded too, looking away and wondering what now. Then he saw the puppy walking closer to him, putting its paw on Akashi's knee.

"What is it?" The pink-haired boy asked. The pup gave a small bark which Akashi didn't really understand.

It looked like the pup rolled its eyes before walking away from Akashi and jumping on his bed, making a few circles before laying down and putting its head on its paws.

"Be careful or you'll get comfy and want to stay here." Akashi half joked, half warned. Don't get you hopes up, he repeated in his mind.

But just as the pup heard the words 'stay here' it jumped up and barked again. Now Akashi couldn't help himself but ask.

"You want to stay here?" The pup barked before running towards Akashi, its tail waving again.

"You... Are you s-... Really?" The boy asked in bewilderment before kneeling down in front of the animal and giving it a small hug.

Yeah, he knew he had never before behaved like that but this was important to him. Akashi was finally going to somehow bond more with his ex teammates and friends while also caring for someone properly for the first time ever. Besides, he had come to love this puppy in a way.

"But what about your gang? Who's going to look after them?" Akashi asked. The reddish pup put one of its paws near its eye then nodded. The boy understood the pup. It meant another dog had taken over the gang, an older one with a blind eye, Akashi had met him. And probably that the reddish pup would still visit and help his friends. The boy didn't mind in the slightest.

"Thank you." Was all Akashi could say at this moment.

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