Day 15 - Fear, guilt and more threats?

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Kuroko was going to kill him. And he was going to kill Aomine. It was that jerk's fault anyway.

Kagami was trembling, from fear, anger or worry, he didn't know. But he tried to stop himself so as not to drop the poor animal in his hands.

Said animal still whimpered, tugging at Kagami's heartstrings. What has he done? What if Tetsuya's paw was broken? What if he had hurt him somewhere else? What if Kuroko killed him?

Meanwhile Aomine was trying to stop himself from laughing out loud. He noticed that some of the guys from the Seirin basketball team were amused too while others looked worried still. He quickly waved with his hand, indicating that everything was alright, the prank was going according to plan. Kuroko's face though was expressionless as ever.

When Kagami finally entered the building, he quickly looked to Kuroko, still worried and scared about little Tetsuya. And Kuroko furrowed his eyebrows, finally showing some reaction and waiting for an explanation.

"It-it's not really my fault." Kagami stuttered. "Aomine was annoying me. And... And I told Number 2 to not run in my legs. He didn't listen. I'm really sorry. We should take him to a hospital. I think it's his paw. Maybe I stepped on it." Kagami rambled for a bit before looking down at the puppy with a sad and guilty expression. No matter what he said, it was his fault.

Kuroko sighed, petting the puppy's head before looking Kagami in the eyes.

"I really hope that he's going to be alright, Kagami-kun."

Was that a threat? From Kuroko...?

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