Day 21 - A scene?

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Suddenly there was a ruckus in the market. Thanks to little Tetsuya.

Said puppy was looking around confusedly, wondering what was going on and why everyone was looking at him and the Tree. Kids were watching him and waving, showing him some toys in their hands, grown people were looking badly at him which made the puppy wonder what has he done wrong, some men in uniforms were walking towards him and his human with a dangerous look in their eyes. Did the Tree do something bad?

Meanwhile Murasakibara was looking around with his surprised, still sleepy face, not even remembering to think of a plan to get out of this mess. And he had just spotted the stand with the sweets. Tch.

"Number 2, what are you doing?" The boy asked with his slow voice, slightly looking up into the puppy's blue eyes.

Tetsuya just waved his tail, tickling Murasakibara's neck a bit. The boy only sighed.

"Excuse me, sir. Pets are not allowed here." One of the uniformed men said, eyeing up the puppy. Tetsuya didn't like him.

"He's not mine. I just want some candy and I'm going to be out of here." Murasakibara said, still eyeing the food over the uniformed men's heads.

Tetsuya barked, bored of this. He wanted the Tree to start walking. And so the boy did, just like he was under the puppy's control (or maybe the food's?), walking to his beloved sweets and grabbing anything he could carry in his big hands, even passing a few chocolate bars up to Tetsuya to hold in his mouth. The puppy got the idea and complied quickly.

Everyone in the market was quiet, not even moving, while watching the giant boy with a little puppy on his head stride through the place and towards the cashier. Murasakibara quickly paid for the food and went out, leaving gaping mouths behind.

Once they were outside, Tetsuya jumped down, starting to walk in front of his human again. The human was digging in his new sweets soon enough, suddenly looking up, the sugar having woken him up a bit.

He wasn't in trouble because of the puppy, right? No one had said anything. Murasakibara shrugged, it's not like anything bad had happened.

The boy called the puppy, starting to walk towards a nearby park. They could do with some rest after so much walking. Tetsuya didn't complain, he was about to eat some of the yummy food, too after all.

Both the human and the puppy had forgotten about the scene they had caused in the marked like it never happened.

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Where stories live. Discover now