Day 12 - Wicked plans

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So here's the plan. Kagami was training by himself in the school yard. Tetsuya was to walk to him and start chasing the ball, thus stop his training and bugging the boy a little. In a few minutes Aomine would also come to the yard where the redhead and the puppy were. And he would challenge Kagami to one on one. When the two boys started playing (because of course Kagami would never back down from such a challenge), little Tetsuya would still run in Kagami's legs, evading the ball.

But here came the fun part. At one moment, the puppy was to act like Kagami had hit him with the ball or had stepped on his tail or paw. How would the boy react to that?

Since Aomine and the puppy were planning and kind of rehearsing all this inside where the rest of the Seirin basketball team were, everyone but Kagami knew of this plan. Of course, the others wondered how would this all play out (did Tetsuya understand what Aomine was telling him, did he knew what to do, wasn't he a little too young to be able to train and remember something like this, was this safe, will Kagami get mad later on).

But the wondering was over, it was show time now.

Aomine picked up the puppy and brought him outside, pointing towards the yard and Kagami. Tetsuya barked once, waving his tail, before turning around and starting his mission.

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Where stories live. Discover now