Day 4 - Training and sleeping

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His humans were training again, chasing and throwing around the big orange ball. And as always, Tetsuya was watching from the sidelines, encouraging them from time to time with a little bark.

But he was bored, wanted to play too. But if he tried to interfere and show them how it was actually done, the female human with shrieky voice wouldn't be happy with him. Yeah, he wasn't supposed to outshine the humans (although he easily could, this game seemed pretty easy).

So the pup decided to walk around and find something else to do. And soon enough he got to the benches where the boys had left their jumpers (it was cold outside but after so much running you didn't notice). And Tetsuya found a familiar smell.

The light blue-haired human. With the eyes that looked like the pup's. His favourite human.

So Tetsuya jumped up on the small bench and walked to the jumper of this specific human. He made a few small circles on it before lying down. Now that he thought about it, this human found him and brought him here. He also always gave him the best treats and food. He always petted him when he walked past him. He kept his Seirin uniform always clean.

Yep, he was his favourite human. And yet Tetsuya didn't have a nickname for him like for catman. He had to think of something.

Racking his brain, the pup observed his humans who were still training at full force. It seemed exhausting.


When Aiko finally let the boys leave after torturing them with countless exercises and plays, Kuroko went to retrieve his jumper. He couldn't walk out in the chilly weather like that when he was all sweaty. He would catch a cold.

But when he saw a certain little puppy sleeping so peacefully on the cloth, the boy didn't have the heart to wake him up. So he went to retrieve all his other stuff from the changing room before coming back to the bench. Tetsuya was still sleeping so Kuroko decided to let him be. He scooped the pup and his jumped carefully, caring them out of the building and towards his home.

He could survive one cold. Little Tetsuya needed his rest, too.

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Where stories live. Discover now