Day 134 - Words of Encouragement

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"You're powerful. Good match." Akashi praised the boy.

Izuku was surprised to say the least. No one has ever liked his power. And now Teiko's captain himself was saying he was powerful?

"Um... Thanks." The boy managed to mumble out, still shocked.

"You still don't have much control over your move though. You should practice and someday you might even win against us. Today you lost because you were playing against Kuroko. But if it was one of us..." Akashi nodded towards the other boys from the Generation of Miracles. "Well, you already won against Atsushi so you understand it."

"Next time I'll crush him." Murasakibara said while chewing on a piece of chocolate.

Izuku couldn't believe that. Akashi Seijuro thought he was strong, that his move could win against the best team ever.

"Yes, I'll train more!" The boy yelled, bowing down.

"And work on its weakness. If you pass that you might win this tournament one of these years." Akashi said with a smile before walking outside where Riko and the Seirin boys were waiting for Kuroko.

While passing Izuku the blue-haired boy too said something to his opponent.

"It really was a good match. You're strong."

And with that the Generation of Miracles were outside of the building, leaving a surprised, shocked, happy and motivated Izuku behind. Once his team found him and scolded him for disappearing on them, the boy apologized saying he wanted to work on his move more and train properly with his teammates, figuring how to play together with them.

Next year the Winter Cup was theirs for sure.

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant