Day 183 - Sour

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Sweet? Was that a command? Or was Murasakibara just very happy with his snacks?

Kise didn't have much time to wonder as he watched the court, seeing how the purple pup ran forwards, straight towards Hissori who got scared. But even with his eyes closed, the pup lifted a paw to try and take the ball.

But the ball wasn't there. The purple puppy bounced the ball in the ground, making it jump behind his opponent. Then Murasakibara's pup jumped right over said opponent, getting the ball again and scoring.

For Hissori this felt as being jumped by an oncoming train. The other puppy was moving that fast.

But he couldn't rest for long, the ball was his now. He had to attack and take back the points.

As always though, Murasakibara's puppy blocked the shot. And then he was to attack again.

There was the next command from his human.


Kise knew that this time the attack wasn't going to be the same. But his puppy didn't and instinctively closed his eyes, expecting the purple pup to jump him again.

He didn't though. Murasakibara's puppy somehow spun the ball to the left while he went to the right. Once he passed Hissori successfully, the pup got the ball again and scored another point.

So Murasakibara had thought his puppy to follow commands in the shape of food tastes?


Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Where stories live. Discover now