Day 152 - Was that a no?

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Akashi spent the whole day with the reddish puppy. They went to the park, ate, visited the pup's friends. It was a long and interesting day. They even played basketball a bit. After all everyone thought the animal would be in the puppy tournament.

In the end, the reddish pup and Akashi were walking back to the latter's home. It was time for Akashi to ask.

"Thanks for the support during the tournament." The boy said. The pup walking next to him gave a little bark, waving his tail.

After a few more meters Akashi stopped walking, kneeling in front of the animal which sat back, knowing the human wanted to talk about something serious.

"I wanted to ask you something..." After a little nod from the animal, Akashi continued. "I know you like your independency and that you look after the other dogs but I'll be more selfish. I'm asking you to live with me and be my dog. You know, like the other boys have puppies. So... Please?"

That had never happened before. Akashi rambled. And he was worried. The puppy's tilted head and the look in his eyes weren't very encouraging.

Then the animal put his paw on Akashi's knee before turning around and running away, probably to his street and his friends.

Was that a no?

Akashi just stood there, confused. He waited for an hour but there was no trace of the dog. So he had left him. Dejected, the boy entered his home, deciding not to think of this.

He was never good at making friends anyway. Since everyone was scared of him. Maybe the puppy was too?

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ