Day 42 - A puppy's story

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After a few more minutes of waiting, the puppies got extremely bored. So the solution to this was for them to start barking and jumping at the humans' legs. Eventually Kuroko relented and put down the new puppy. So the four animals walked to a nearby tree and lied down, beginning a conversation of their own.

"So what happened to you?" Hissori asked, startling the hurt pup.

"Don't be so rude." Yoshi barked.

"Don't tell me what to or not to do." Hissori was ready for a fight, as always.

"Guys, stop it!" Little Tetsuya barked. "Let's behave for now, otherwise the humans won't be happy." Then he turned to the hurt puppy which was looking at the other three with wide eyes. "Tell us your story. We're friends." Tetsuya said with a smile.

The hurt pup was a Cardigan Welsh Corgi, white fur with small black spots here and there, its eyes dark blue just like Aomine's. He looked to Tetsuya with hopeful eyes before starting to talk.

"I got separated from mum, I don't know where she is. Or where I am. We were walking around, searching for food, when another black dog attacked us. Mum fought a bit but then said we needed to run. So we did. But got separated."

"So how did you get hurt?" Hissori asked, looking down at the puppy. Tetsuya hit him on the head with his paw, making the yellow-eyed pup growl quietly.

"The black dog found me and... Attacked me. I can't fight. So... In the end I somehow managed to escape and found you. Thank you for saving me. And your humans." The puppy finished quietly, looking to the ground.

"No problem. We will always help." Tetsuya said happily, Yoshi nodding next to him with a smile. A mumbled 'weakling' could be heard from Hissori but the others pretended like they didn't hear it.

Meanwhile, the basketball players were somehow managing to convince Aomine to keep the puppy. Were they going to succeed?

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz