Day 191 - Want to win

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The noise was very loud, that was the main reason Senshi was scared. Sometimes he trembled during storms too, but he knew his human was there, protecting him. So the pup knew there was nothing to be scared of.

But this time the pup was technically alone on the court. And the sound was so sudden. Then there was also the wind from the other puppy's movements. To Senshi it felt like someone wanted to hit him. So of course his reaction was to curl up and protect himself as best as he could.

The pup could hear his human's voice, the worry in it. It made him calm a bit, he was not alone. After a few more minutes, the little animal looked up, finally seeing his human. Aomine smiled at the pup, ruffling the fur on his head.

"We can postpone the match if you want. Or even give up, I don't care. It's up to you and how you feel." The boy quietly said to his pup.

Senshi looked around. Everyone was looking at him, most people with worry on their faces. The pink-haired female nodded, acknowledging what Aomine had said and that it was possible.

But Senshi didn't want that, he wanted to win. He was going to play. Jumping down from Aomine's lap, the pup barked, showing his intentions. Looking to the reddish pup, Senshi saw him observing him curiously. Now Aomine's pup knew what to expect. He wasn't going to get scared again, he was going to win against this newbie.

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