Day 51 - Bath time

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Kise and Aomine were two boys. So they decided that they could manage bathing two puppies at once. And so Tetsuya and Yoshi were first.

The blonde boy had bought plenty of dog shampoos and other fancy stuff that even girls could envy for not being able to use. But, of course, his puppy had to have the best. And now the other three were going to enjoy all this luxury, too.

Once Tetsuya and Yoshi were in the bathtub, the former stripped of his favourite Seirin jersey, Aomine decided to fix the water's temperature while Kise chose what would be best for the puppies fur. But the blue-haired boy wasn't careful enough in the beginning and unintentionally poured cold water all over Yoshi. While trying to fix it, he nearly boiled Tetsuya's paws.

So the two puppies went ballistic, barking at him, prompting the two waiting pups to start barking, too. Kise tried to calm them with a rubber duck which let to a chasing game in the small bathtub. Meanwhile Aomine was still fussing over the water and so the bathtub was steadily filling with water, eventually forcing the puppies to start swimming again, which thankfully slowed them down. Kise got a pup in each hand, thanking the heavens that they could swim and didn't drown.

Unfortunately, he didn't have a free hand to swat his friend's head.

Another unfortunate thing was that Tetsuya managed to free himself, jumping out of the bathtub and on the ground, running around and leaving wet footprints everywhere, Aomine trying to catch him now.

Hissori and Senshi, hearing all the ruckus in the bathroom, thought they were missing something really fun, so they started scratching at the bathroom door, howling.

After five minutes of this mess, Kise heard the doorbell, his neighbour yelling at him to keep quiet as it was the afternoon and it was time for rest.

Four hours later, when Kuroko and Midorima came around to collect their puppies, their first thought was that a hurricane had passed through Kise's home. But no, it was only four puppies having fun.

In the end they had ran away from Kise and Aomine, thinking all of this was a game. Little Tetsuya and Yoshi were still wet, their paws leaving footprints while their fur dripped drop by drop on Kise's carpets.

At least, after all this exercise, they followed their humans quietly and without fuss, too tired to protest. And they had somehow dried a bit so they wouldn't get cold.

In the pups' humble opinions this was the best weekend ever. They hoped they'd get more such play dates, and soon.

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Where stories live. Discover now