Day 33 - A good morning

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When the yellow-eyed puppy woke up, its bowls were filled with food and water again. And the yellow-haired human was nowhere to be seen again. So the animal decided to have a small breakfast.

"Oh, you're up. Good morning." Kise suddenly appeared from the bathroom, hair still wet from a shower. The boy was drying it with a towel on his way to the kitchen. "I'll have a quick breakfast too, then we're going out. I have basketball practice, perfect chance for you to meet my team and friends." The boy smiled at the puppy before disappearing behind a corner.

The small creature was yet again unimpressed. Couldn't it just stay somewhere where no one would bother it? Who said it wanted to go anywhere with this human?

(Still, the puppy was a bit curious. Maybe it was warming up to this dense human which wouldn't stop talking to him? Naah, no chance!)

"By the way, I thought of a name for you." Kise's head appeared from the corner he had disappeared behind, a spoon in his mouth. "Hissori. Think about it and tell me if you like it." Then the boy went to finish his breakfast after giving one of his boyish grins.

The pup pretended like it didn't care. But it was curious. What was so important that the human came back to talk to it? Who knows, probably some human stuff again. No, the pup didn't care. At all!

It didn't fight back much when Kise tried to put on a dog leash on it though. In the end its curiosity got the best of the animal and it wanted to see where they were going (hopefully nowhere near the little monster from yesterday). Besides, now the pup wasn't going to be carried, it was going to walk on its own. That was great, a bit of exercise.

Kise took this behaviour as a good sign.

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