Day 65 - Second encounter

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This time Akashi was walking home alone after a late training session at Rakuzan High School. He had stayed behind a lot later than the others this time so there were no other people on the streets. He was walking all alone, as always deep in thought, planning. And yet he was very aware of his surroundings. So of course he noticed the pair of eyes following him.

But the boy decided not to give them any attention. Because if he did, their owner will disappear in the shadows again.

It was the puppy he liked, he was the little ghost following him right now. But Akashi was not going to do anything, he didn't want to scare or pressure the animal.

Suddenly he heard claws hitting the concrete behind him, getting closer but not too fast. So he wasn't being attack. And then, when he looked down to his left hand, Akashi saw the young dog walking next to him, looking up at him curiously.

"Why are you looking up at me like that? You're the one that is doing something unusual here. I don't need a bodyguard."

The little animal didn't give any answer, just looked forward, his ears at attention.

"Or do I actually need a bodyguard..." The boy asked himself thoughtfully, also looking forward.

And then he heard it. There were people fighting in front of him, on the road he had to walk through. Probably drunks, who else would be out at this time. Then Akashi felt a tug at his trousers. Looking down again, he saw the dog slightly pulling him to a nearby small street. Akashi just nodded, following along quietly.

After following the animal for a few minutes, Akashi found himself at a street near his house. The boy smiled gently again, kneeling in front of the young dog and leader.

"Repaying me back for feeding your friends, huh?" He asked. The pup just looked him straight in the eye, unwavering. "Of course you are. Too much pride? Like me..." Akashi continued talking. The pup continued being quiet. "Thank you." The pink-haired boy said, getting up. "See you again some time."

And so the boy turned around, walking to his home. Suddenly he heard a lone bark. When he turned around, the young dog was gone.

Akashi liked this animal more and more.

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Where stories live. Discover now