Day 53 - Lucky item of the day

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Midorima had had problems with Yoshi before, such as the pup biting or eating his lucky items for the day. Which wasn't very lucky.

But today Tetsuya was worse. Midorima had visited the Seirin basketball team to ask Kuroko about something puppy related. And while he asked, he left his lucky item of the day - a stress ball, on a nearby bench. And he left it there without any supervision. A bad, unlucky choice.

Because, while wandering around, little Tetsuya found it. And thought it was like the orange balls he had chased before, just smaller and yellow. So he managed to get it down from the bench, pushing it around and eventually chasing after the small sphere at full speed.

The ball was small and fast enough for the other Seirin basketball team members not to notice it so they wondered what the puppy was chasing so concentrated. But once Midorima heard the ruckus, he knew. He just knew, felt it in his heart. It was his lucky item for the day.

The boy immediately walked into the gym, spotting the small puppy running around frantically. When he focused his eyes a bit more, the green-haired boy saw his yellow stress ball, too. His eyes widening, Midorima ran after the puppy. He couldn't let his luck run away after all.

So for the next ten minutes the Seirin basketball team was witness to something very strange but also very funny. A small yellow ball, barely visible, was jumping around, a small puppy chasing it with its tongue dangling out of its mouth, tail waggling around, and a tall, green-haired boy chasing the puppy with his hands outstretched as if to pick it up, pushing his glasses back up his nose before they could fall every other moment.

Some of the boys found the scene particularly funny. Until Riko came around, hitting the backs of their heads and telling them to help the Shutoku player.

Eventually everyone was laying around, exhausted, while little Tetsuya barked and jumped around, wanting to play more.

And Midorima was squeezing the small, a bit slobbery ball in his hand, but not to relieve any stress. He did it so the small puppy wouldn't get the item again.

Next time he was calling Kuroko, not coming here again. Ever again.

Meanwhile Riko was thinking of ways to utilise this game of 'chase Tetsuya' into the boys training schedule.

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora