Day 71 - New trick

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While Senshi (and the other puppies) was training his basketball skills. little Tetsuya was training something else. Kuroko had decided that was enough basketball for a while and Kagami had immediately given a very interesting idea.

Now Kuroko was sat in the gym, staying a bit late after practice was over just so he could play a bit with the little pup and teach him something new. And that new thing was bumping fists. Or paws. Or a fist and a paw. Because Kuroko had a hand and Tetsuya had, well, a paw.

The blue-haired boy had prepared a bag of treats for reward when the little animal in front of him managed to do what he had to. And soon enough the bag was half empty. The pup already knew a few commands like when to sit or roll. So this wasn't something really new to him.

After a few tries Tetsuya knew he had to lift his paw up when his favourite human did, and slightly hit his human's hand with it. It was a nice trick, the pup liked it. It was some sort of greeting. He had seen the red-haired boy do this with Kuroko, too. The other boy with darker blue hair, too.

So that meant little Tetsuya was in his favourite human's list of special friends. The pup was proud with himself. And thankful to his human, that really meant a lot to him, even if it was just the next trick to the human in front of him (which it wasn't, this meant a lot for Kuroko, too).

Kagami knew his team's mascot was a quick learner but this surprised even him. The next morning, right before the beginning of the training for the day, Kuroko walked to the tall boy, the pup in his hands. At first the red-head had frozen (as usual) but soon enough knew what was going on.

As Kuroko told him, Kagami lifted his fist in front of the puppy. Seconds later the pup smiled his puppy smile, tongue out, lifting his own paw and slightly bumping it with Kagami's fist.

The Seirin duo looked at each other like proud parents.

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Where stories live. Discover now