Day 47 - For a toy

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"What do you want to play with?" Little Tetsuya asked while eyeing the toys he could choose from.

"We played with the orange ball today already. Wanna play tug?" Yoshi asked.

"Yeah, good idea." Tetsuya agreed, bending down to get the toy. And just then Hissori ran by, grabbing the toy and getting away quickly.

Tetsuya and Yoshi looked up to the yellow-eyed pup, quietly growling.

"What? This is my home now. I want to play with this. I have the most rights to do so." Hissori barked, his eyes challenging the two other animals.

"We were first." Tetsuya barked back. "Besides, you don't have anyone to play with."

Hissori rolled his eyes before calling out to Senshi. "Oi! You wanna play with this?"

The pup just looked at Hissori for a second before laying back down. "I can't, I'm still hurt. Just play with Tetsuya and Yoshi."

The green-eyed puppy laughed. "Yeah, whoever wins gets the toy." He proposed.

"Two against one, very fair." Hissori narrowed his eyes.

"You're strong, right? It won't be a problem for you." Tetsuya got into the challenge, too.

Hissori growled, lowering his body and getting ready for a battle. The two puppies in front of him did the same while Senshi looked worriedly at the scene before him.

At once, all three puppies charged forward, small barks emitting from them. Suddenly Yoshi ran away from the fight, the toy hanging from his mouth.

"Don't run, come back here!" Hissori barked, running after the green-eyed pup, Tetsuya hot on his trail.

Suddenly Yoshi jumped on a table, stepping on someone's notebook. The two puppies running after him followed. Now the notebook had paw prints.

Next was the sofa. The puppies' claws scratched it up a bit but hopefully it wasn't anything major. Yoshi managed to jump on a windowsill, quickly throwing the toy to Tetsuya who was still behind Hissori. That was Yoshi's power - throwing stuff at a long distance (kind of like his owner's skill).

Tetsuya caught the toy easily, turning around and sprinting towards the kitchen before Hissori could understand what was going on. When he did though, and followed his rival, a few bangs were heard from the room they had ran off to, making Yoshi and Senshi wince a bit.

Now the place was a mess.

Kise and Aomine didn't hear or know anything of this though. They had played some music quite loudly, enjoying their little break. Unfortunately, they wouldn't be so happy when they got out of their room.

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Where stories live. Discover now